Im currently having problems with the safe havens in my infection mini game map. There is a bridge set up like the following: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: Now what happens is the humans spawn on red and the first haven should spawn on green. It always does but sometimes the haven time doesnt show up so its kinda there for no reason. Once the time runs out on green, the haven should move to red. It doesnt always and when it does it is usually messed up. Anyone have an explanation for me? If someone would be willing to join me sometime and take a look, I would appreciate it greatly...
So youre pretty much making a 'bulldog' gametype. I don't really know much about haven/hill movements but I think spawn sequence comes into play. The spawn sequence of course, being the 'sequence of movement' for the hill/haven.
If by Bulldog you mean a game like this, then not really... I agree I think it has something to do with the spawn sequence but I dont know how to do that.
Well in theory: Starting at spawn sequence 1, make a haven on the green zone. The with 2, make a haven on the red zone. Now then you could test to see if it works. If not, continue the making and sequencing process
Yeah, thats what I have tried. It still isnt working. I assumed it would which is why I made this thread lol. =/
As far as I know you cannot. If someone knows a way, please tell us... KOTH was originally like that as well, but some thought it was a bug since Crazy King was suppose to be random.