Gunmetal The Stats Gunmetal is a small symmetrical map primarily made for slayer based games. The layout of Gunmetal is a two layered square in the center, that is encompassed by a rectangle. While the layout of the map is simple and can easily be memorized a quarter through your first game, I have spiced up the gameplay by adding tactical jumps. While some maps incorporate tactical jumps, Gunmetal has taken it up to the next level. Puzzled? Allow me to explain, the map houses eleven different tactical jumps, but because the map is symmetrical there is in total twenty-two tactical jumps. This may sound overkill especially on a map of this size, but it adds an extreme amount of depth to gameplay (this will be further explained in the background paragraph). Weapons List 4x DMR 2x Needle Rifle 1x Grenade launcher (Primary Power Weapon) 1x Plasma Pistol (Secondary Power Weapon) 4x Frag Grenade 2x Plasma Grenade 2x Health Packs Background (Beware: for those who don't like to read you may skip the paragraph below) Gunmetal is a really really old map. How old exactly? Well I first started working on Gunmetal's previous model ever since the 2v2 map competition was announced, making Gunmetal around six or seven months old. I never submitted it the 2v2 competition, because the previous version of Gunmetal had several problems, and I was never able to test it. That was the first version... from there Gunmetal has gone through an astounding seven versions. Why so many? Allow me to elaborate, my though process when first trying to construct Gunmetal was to make a downsized version of Construct, that would be suitable for 2v2 slayer. While it no longer resemble a downsized version of Construct it originally had a lift that resembled Construct's, but there was a problem too much camping near the lift. A problem that construct shared. My solution? I added another lift that I nicknamed the tele-lift (creative huh?). The tele-lift worked up to a point, but it added to much movement towards back and could be iffy at times. Finally after a couple of more changes I decided to submit the map to the Tester's Guild. The feedback I received convinced me to take out the main lift (T.T), and replaced the tele-lift with a regular teleporter system (T.T). So at what point do the tactical jumps come in? Well when constructing the map I noticed that I enjoyed cat n' mouse gameplay, but my map's layout would have a difficult time producing that. As a result I added in several tactical jumps that would give me both tactical gameplay and cat n' mouse gameplay. Now on to the things you all love and probably just skipped to... the pictures! Loadout Camera for non-team based games. Shows Grenade Launcher Spawn as well. Loadout Camera for Blue team Teleporter Receiver Another angle of Grenade Launcher Spawn Ladder that leads to top mid Top Mid Well that is most of the map folks. I am not going to add anymore pictures or else you won't have anything to look forward to when I post the map. I will also be showing the tactical jumps in the actual map post. I should have the map posted in a week's time unless any dramatic changes happen. Oh and also if any of you would like to play on the map feel free to send me a message because I am always looking for feedback from different angles and people. This is also my first map post so if I did anything wrong or there is room for improvement, please feel free to tell me.
I like the looks of it but, in regards to the Secondary Power Weapon....why a plasma pistol o-o? I mean other than the obvious you can use the emp on both?
Well because of the teleporter and small size of the map I didn't want two power weapons that together would completely wreck everyone, but I also wanted a somewhat close combat weapon. The sword? The shotgun? No they were way too powerful on the map, so I decided to stick with the plasma pistol.
I will make sure to invite you, but for some dumb reason my mic won't work at the moment so I won't be able to talk.
This map looks pretty damn good. I like how you've balanced the power weapons, and it looks pretty interesting. Good luck with its release.
This was pleasant to test, and I look forward to the final release. If you still want to mess with the tele at all, I could probably give you a few ideas, just let me know.
Nice to hear you enjoyed testing the map Chrono, and I am thankful for you taking the time to test my map. Now about the tele I think they are okay, but can be improved. Especially since the shields take up a good amount of budget and can potentially cause some frame rate issues in split screen. I would definitely like to hear your ideas for the teleporters.
I also enjoyed the test sadly my net crapped out during the oddball test T-T. Sorry to leave you hanging lol.
Oh so that was why you quit. I actually thought maybe you quit because you hated gameplay that much. Well good to hear to that you enjoyed the map. Any specific complaints or likes from our game?
um you have 2 health packs on map right? i almost was thinkin maybe 4 idk i thought that it just popped into my head.
4 health packs is ridiculous. 2 HPs on a 2v2 map is perfect. You have to realize how much of an advantage one can give you on doubles and it's easy to see why 4 is too many. As for the map itself, I really like the look of it and the clean forging. One suggestion is to try out a 0 spare clip Spiker in place of the PP. The Spiker's power is often underestimated, and serves as a perfect "secondary power weapon" on smaller maps. It can take down shields slightly faster than the PP and no one will hear any charging sound if you're around the corner. Just pop out, lay a few shots into your opponent and melee.
Thanks for the suggestion frozen. I originally had the Spiker on the map, but then took it out because there was really no good place for it. Though I think I will replace the plasma pistol with the spiker, and see how it goes.
I've played this a few times, and enjoyed it alot, especially the 2v2 we played and dominated, the whole map, is super clean, the lifts are genius, and its clear how much of an effort you've made in making alterations to prevent camping and improve the flow. The weapon set is great and having a grenade launcher on a map like this is interesting, in a good way The sheers amount of little tactical jumps makes ninjas like me happy and i'll be sure to download the final version