Hello again, This map took inspirations from Sword Base. There are many changes in elevation, but primarily 3 levels. Two sides are connected by 3 main bridges, on one each level. Each side has a dock area outside serving as the bases, a main hall way, and a shared courtyard. Each area outside has multiple entrances, usually two from the middle level, and a ramp from the lower level. The gameplay on this map is very well. the open center and multiple floors makes all armor abilities favorable. Though originally intended for one-sided objective gametypes, the addition of the upper catwalk and makes it great for multi-sided gametypes too. Weapons: Health Station x 2 Fragmentation Grenade x 4 Plasma Grenade x 4 DMR x 4 Needle Rifle x 2 Plasma Pistol x 1 Needler x 1 Shotgun x 1 Gravity Hammer x 1 Concussion Rifle x 1 Grenade Launcher x 1 Pictures: Blue spawn Shotgun Sneak path from below upper catwalk and ramp down to blue side. directly below previous picture. blue side hallway. concussion rifle on top catwalk. view of where the catwalk leads to on the red side. Red team hallway ramp up to red side from the bottom level. courtyard lower bridge and view of gravity hammer The hammer hallway leads to the red base outside. off to the side of the hammer hallway is a small basement room. Thanks for reading! check out my other posts too. They have all been done on relatively low budgets with no lights for improved framerate.
I can't believe that no one has commented on this yet, so I guess I will take a stab at it. I would say the first thing I noticed was that this map is cleanly forged. Too many maps look like they have just been thrown together, with random objects, but not this map. After a quick run through on forge, I would have to say that I like the layout, i like the drop downs and there are plenty of ways up the map. My only question would be the number of players that it supports. I see that you have the max number as 8 but I almost feel like a 4v4 might be a little cramped on this map. That is just my opinion, and I have not played it yet so take that how you want. I also noticed that you gave the gravity hammer to the blue team, I think, and the shotgun to the red. Anyways, this worries me a little because unlike the sword, the gravity hammer has a decent radius of damage. Therefore, I wonder if the team that spawns on the gravity hammer will have more of an advantage. If that is a problem, maybe placing a concussion rifle where the shotgun spawns could balance the playing field. Anyways, those would be my suggestions, I look fwd to getting a custom on this.
This map certainly does have potential, and the layout is really nice. my only complaint is the lack of unique structures. Your map looks really gray and blocky, which isn't that bad, but I would suggest using more color and add more flare to this map.
Thanks for checking out the map guys! A really appreciate the constructive criticism. availablemoth: regarding the number of supported. I realize that this map is probably too big for 4v4. personally, the max number of people i've tested it with is 6, which seemed appropriate. it was especially made for 2v2 though. the reason why i put 2-8 is because it can support that many and 8 person free-for-all might work on it. i guess i should've noted that it is ideal for smaller numbers. apologies. and the gravity hammer and shotgun issue. from the games i've played, that has never been an issue. i feel like both are appropriate weapons to balance each other. in fact, i actually think the shotgun is a bit better than the hammer. but that's just my opinion. Thanks for the praise as well as the suggestions dude. everything will be taken into account. I3ush: sorry for the apparent blockiness and greyness of the map. i don't really know what to say. i used up all the decorative pieces already. right now i'm pretty happy with the simplicity of how it looks, but who knows. maybe i'll do some changing in the future. thanks for the suggestion though!
on the topic of changing, what is your budget like? i agree that it seems to blocky but that doesnt mean you have to change your layout.. just the look of the pieces. looks pretty fun
i think i have a little over $3000 in my budget. i can see the blocky complaint, but i like how it looks now. i am open to suggestions though. any ideas in particular?
I hate to say this : ( but you may have posted too soon, it appears you have bridges and platforms left... why not utilize those as a floor? This isnt a bad map it just seems incomplete, in fact it is similar to the way I build. This would be 45% of the process somewhere after making a skeleton and before polishing. add me on xbl if you want to pick my brain. anyways I cant wait to see what you do with it.
I agree with Tom, this map is pretty solid but could be so much more. I would take him up on his over, Tom is a very good forger with a good eye. Also, if you do change things you can always edit your post and still get recognition.