The Stormbreaker Always wanted to play infection on a real pirate ship? Look no further. Because of the lack of good pirate ships i thought iid make one myself This pirate ship has everything a real pirateshit has aswell, except cannons im afraid. Just didnt have the materials left at the end to make cannons. I havent tested the map yet. I am sorry for that but most of my mates are on vacation at the moment. Do you find any bugs or glitches let me know and i will take care of it There are weapons on the map such as DMR, Assault Rifle and Magnum but there are also 3 power weapons: Shotgun, Sniper Rifle and the Grenade Launcher. This map doesnt require a specific gametype so go ahead and use the one you like the most I have no idea what to make for my next map so suggestions are welcome! Enjoy the map ! Lets start with a frontal overview of the map. There are 4 rocks located around the ship. Each with a man cannon which shoots the zombie right on the ship. Here you can see the ship from the back, you can see the balconies way better. The ship is pretty big and has a great shape as you can see in this picture. Here you can see the steering wheel above the captain's room. This is the front deck, everything speaks for his self. This is the back of the deck with the door to the captain's room. And the stairs to the roof of the captain's room. This is the area below the deck, here is where the crew spend their nights. Here you can see their beds again, and the stairs to get to there aswell as from the deck as from below the deck. There is also a prison below the deck, located at the opposite side of the crew's room. Guards can stand a top of the prison to keep an eye out. Well this is the whole map. I hope you like it. Let me know if you find any bugs or glitches. Or if you have any suggestions for my next map!
The detail inside the ship looks very good but the outside is kind of bland.... I would suggest putting something extra up there, and also make the sails a little more rounded. Other than that, good map.
Looks like it could be an amazing Cops and Robbers map, what with the prison and plank over the ocean, if I saw correctly. Looking forward to playing! Q'd
The deck looks a little empty, but other than that this is a great looking mao and I hope it plays well.
... i really like the intirior of the ship, lots of good infection hiding spots and the outside looks open enough to make the game last long enough, but also the sails are a extreamly square if you could round them and give them a lil' bit of an effect of wind blowing into them .... with more detail on the sides of the ship it could possibly be visualy stunning and a great infection game type map...overall...very well done!
The map looks OK but the sails do need A LOT more work, the sides of the ship also look...strange, but I wouldn't worry TOO much as they aren't that visible when you're on the map. Also can you get onto the sniper tower above the sails? (f***, what the hells that thing called, I forgot) Please say yes
Haha no im sorry but you cant get on top, infection games wouldnt run that smooth otherwise but hey, go in forge and place a teleporter or mancannon te get up there if you like. Do what you think is the most fun