
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TehxWalrii, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    A 1v1 map by TehxWalrii

    Within this facility prisoners were used to organize and move hazardous/volatile materials. 2 players.

    -Weapon List-
    4x DMRs-1 spare clip-50s
    1x Spiker-0 spare clips-90s
    1x Sniper Rifle-0 spare clips-120s
    1x plasma pistol-90s

    Since I'm pretty sure nobody reads anymore, unless you are in the Review Hub, I'll skip straight to pictures and further down I will put the concerns/quotes from testers.

    Overlook from Blue DMR

    Overlook from Red DMR

    Spiker Spawn/Bottom Yellow

    Top Yellow

    Sniper Spawn

    Plasma Pistol Spawn

    Red Lift (Both are similar in their effect)

    Teleporter Reciever (Senders are in Dome Rooms)
    And now for action shots!
    Jesus EightBall, stop doing so damned good!

    And again EightBall, why must you kill me so!

    Headshot, *****!

    Just sit down EightBall.

    Special Thanks to all of my testers/helpers!
    Confused Flamingo-Tester-Adviser
    Soul Slasher-Tester
    and anyone who helped with this.

    Eightball, "Gimme my sniper back you stupid troll!" (most retarded laughing ever)

    Please leave feedback about anything that I should change.
    :Version Counter:
    Solitude: V2.2
    :Latest Version Changes:
    Lifts changes to One way shield door lifts.
    Railings added to sides of higher walkways.

    #1 TehxWalrii, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
  2. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty interesting. But I'd like a birds eye view to see the layout of the map. Just cut off the roof temporarily for a a screenshot.
  3. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    I'll do that, just there's still parts you won't be able to see due to multi levels.
  4. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    This looks very promising, would not mind getting a game on this if you need more testers. Send me a message on XBL if you want a fresh perspective. Also, I agree with Skisma that a overhead pic would be nice, but then again this is just a preview so do as you wish. :)
  5. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    I'll definitely need more testers, so if you wouldn't mind 1v1ing EightBall or anyone who wants to test this, then certainly you may. But the overview is coming soon, I just don't feel like it. (Insert other lazy excuses here) But don't fear, theater is here! With screenshot features. :)

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