Remake Avalaunch

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by meancarcass, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. meancarcass

    meancarcass Forerunner

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    This is my first map and first map submission, I hope you all enjoy it.
    The idea behind the map was the map Avalanche from Gears of War 2. There are obvious differences between the two maps but both contain many similarities.
    To replicate the avalanche exploding tanks and shade turret debris are man cannoned on to the map. Originally this is not what I had planned but my friend managed to glitch it and i was stuck with that, which personally i think turned out well. ***NOTE*** If players decide they don't want the tanks you will have to turn off vehicles that is the only solution I could find.
    Basically there are two sides(one red base and one blue base), two end sides, and the middle.
    The map does get random spurts of lag occasionally but mostly just the first 5 seconds of the game.

    You can play slayer and what not on the map and it does support kill/soft kill barriers but for the best experience I greatly urge you to download and play the game type annex which includes:

    - 75% weapon damage
    - 90% normal resistance
    - Shield recharge rate 50%(slower)
    - Health recharge rate 50%(slower)
    - 75% movement speed
    - 200% player gravity
    - 0% jump height
    - Motion tracker OFF
    - Unlimited equipment usage
    - Loadout includes: DMR, shotgun, 1 plasma grenade, sprint/evade.
    - Hill moves every minute
    - Crazy King of the Hill style
    - 150 points to win
    - 10 minute time limit

    This is my first map and any criticism/feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and have fun :)

    #1 meancarcass, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  2. Hat

    Hat Guest

    The map looks really cool, and the only problem i can see is the flying tanks. You should release a version without it for people who do not want it.
  3. meancarcass

    meancarcass Forerunner

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    Thank you :). The only solution I could find to that is to turn off vehicles, maybe someone else can find away to get rid of them.
  4. ghost 154230

    ghost 154230 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You seem to have gotten the basic layout of the map but the scale does not seem to match that of gear of war much. The map does look nice though and I plan on sending feedback soon. Now only if we could trigger a real avalanche as in GOW2. Hmmm...
  5. meancarcass

    meancarcass Forerunner

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    I did this purely from memory, I wasn't an avid gears player either but thank you very much for the quick look, I look forward to your feedback. Perhaps at certain intervals kills balls spawn for 20 seconds or so covering the necessary areas then disappear or some sort of timed explosions. I'm sure someone will find a way.

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hm . . . I've never played on Avalanche. Only Day 1, Gridlock (The best), and Jacinto.

    I personally think that you should change the name of the map, so people don't get it mixed up with a special version of a remake of Avalanche from Halo. Just a thought.

    Well, I like the concept of this whole thing, but I don't see the point in leaving the safety of the bases for weapons that probably aren't going to be that useful.

    You can also see a Sniper right next to a hammer?
  7. meancarcass

    meancarcass Forerunner

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    errr There is no hammer on this map that would be debris but there are several DMR's, plasma pistol, sniper rifle, shotgun, 2 grenade launchers and a rocket launcher I'm sure people will want to leave their base and as I said its meant to be played with the game type i made specifically for the map which is Annex or basically KoTH. By playing the game mode Annex it drastically changes the gameplay and the whole feel of the map. I suggest everyone to use it. hmmm ill brainstorm a few names.
    #7 meancarcass, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  8. aScreeNCHeeTeR

    aScreeNCHeeTeR Forerunner

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    I haven't downloaded this map yet, but maybe for an avalanche you could use golf balls. It's just a suggestion and I have no clue how well it would work, but it would bring back the feeling from GoW 2.

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