Remake Fat Kid Plaza

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by SmokyMiner, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. SmokyMiner

    SmokyMiner Forerunner
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    So, this is a remake from a Halo 3 map called Hidden Levels on Fat Kid, I don't know who the original maker is but credit to him.

    The creators of this map are Me (SmokyMiner), iBloodySnowKone, and Phatpiggy.

    It is a basically a giant loop that goes up and up and up. 4 or 5 levels high. There is a vault full of weapons at the top, but you can't gain access to them until 180 sec. It's a Fat Kid based gametype, alpha zombie is really slow but nearly invulnerable, non-alphas are fast but are a 1 shot.

    The vault at the top is anti-camp, if u stay in their there is no chance of survival, pretty much all weapons in the game are scattered around on different level. Also there are many secrets that are shown in the video below, please leave me feedback and watch the video in 1080p.

    ‪Halo Reach: Fat Kid‬‏ - YouTube

    Screen Shot
    Sorry theres only 1.
  2. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I sorry but, I was never a fan of fat kid. Though, I might give this a chance. I'll download & see. PS, Needler against fat kid isn't a good idea. I would recommend adding more health to the Regular Zombies. Alpha is already overpowered enough besides being slow. I would make it so that the regular zombies live a little bit longer. 1 Shot will make people PO. I know because I've heard little kids scream like its the end of the world. I like the vault concept. Very Unique. I'll give it a download.
  3. SmokyMiner

    SmokyMiner Forerunner
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    Ive tested these setting for like a few hrs with like 10 ppl, every thing seems to be balanced very well, fat kid isn't as hard to kill as it may seem, and with all of the hall ways, the non alphas aren't picked of at spawn. also needler pushes the fat kid back a bit. And when it comes to little kids screaming, thats never gonna stop with a fat kid game type, I know some kids that'll rage quit if there fat kid, u just gotta play with the right ppl but thanx for the suggestions, I think I'll keep it the same
    #3 SmokyMiner, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  4. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    You should really take his suggestion. Generic Fat Kid just isn't fun (for the zombies). At least make them a challenge for the humans: maybe give them better health and holograms? Just do SOMETHING to make the game more interesting/fun for the zombies. Otherwise, you'll have ragequitters left and right.
  5. SmokyMiner

    SmokyMiner Forerunner
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    Well, I kinda disagree with u I find it fun to be a zombie cuz u get to run fast and jump high, I dont know if its the same for u but that makes it fun for me.
  6. HPMonopolyChampion

    HPMonopolyChampion Forerunner

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    Not to be a meanie but I just got around to making a forgehub account and I am the original creator. It is originally called The Roast on Halo 3 I still have all 3 versions that i made. Two on Foundry and one on Sandbox. Please message my gamertag for customs or matchmaking.
  7. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    I have to say, the first thing I noticed when the film showed your map was "OMFG Z-fighting on the left hand side wall!".

    But the map itself is pretty sweet, although I would fix the Z-fighting...

    Also....How in the F*** did you make those hologram walls????????
  8. SmokyMiner

    SmokyMiner Forerunner
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    the fake walls are teleporters, u can walk through them but u cant see through them, and if u wanna complain about z-fighting u should see my other map, its basically a contribution to z-fighting
  9. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I liked the video. However it might have been a great idea to show a few of the new weapon vaults in use.
  10. Turtle Warlord

    Turtle Warlord Forerunner

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    Although this map seems very faithful to the original Fat Kid vision, it also seems like it would fall into the common trap of an easy human victory. I have not yet seen a Fat Kid map that was balanced enough so that both sides had equal chance of victory.
  11. SmokyMiner

    SmokyMiner Forerunner
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    I see wat u mean, Um when playing this it seemed like the humans never survived past 10 min. the time limit is 20, it needs to be put down.

    There is only 1 vault, and I did show it

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