Scaffolding v1.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Grimsby, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Grimsby

    Grimsby Forerunner

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    Hi, and Welcome to...


    This map has been my child, my baby; But I am now ready to give it out to the public for criticism.
    As you see, the map is completely symmetrical and supports most gametypes. I recommend a maximum of 8-12 players and the map works wonderfully with Jetpack only games.

    I often subject my self to locations that most people would not use, and as I skimmed through the listings of Competitive maps I noticed, there is barely any Canyon maps, and I saute out to revolutionize the way Canyon maps should be thought of. Hopefully my goal has been met, but that is not for the creator to decide. The destination led for some very interesting possibilities, and come to the realization that I wanted this map to suspended, so I got some paper and started sketching. I came up with the map you see above (in a rough sketch form).

    Weapon Spawns

    • Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) x 4
    • Assault Rifle x 4
    • Magnum x 2
    • Plasma Pistol x 2
    • Sniper Rifle x 2
    • Rocket x 1
    • Sword x 1
    • Concussion Rifle x 1
    • Plasma Repeater x 1
    • Fragmentation Grenade x 4
    • Plasma Grenade x 6


    Center Path

    Top Portal/ Concussion Rifle spawn

    Bottom Portal/ Sword Spawn

    Red Base Tower/ Tower Lift

    Blue Base Lift

    Red Base + Red Sniper Tower

    Blue Base + Blue Sniper Tower



    #1 Grimsby, Oct 23, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  2. V ii T A M ii N K

    V ii T A M ii N K Forerunner

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    Sweet! Its amazing! Just tell me that theres kill boundries below? Anyways, I'll definitley DL.
  3. Grimsby

    Grimsby Forerunner

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    You can't forget Kill Boundaries and Safe zones... I don't Understand how anybody could.
  4. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks nice but you know that shade turret is a waste of cash. They SUCK and no one uses then because the do literally no damage. The map is awesome however great job, I don't know how all you forgers come up with these ideas!
  5. Ratheld

    Ratheld Forerunner

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    This is a unique and amazing idea! As soon as I get XBL im dling this!
  6. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map may look cool but unlike the other people I am questioning its actual playablity...the map has many narrow pathways and odd areas you have to jump across to get through the map with little cover...also the map has too many power weapons and a shade turrent which creates spawn killling and camping please rethink this map...
  7. Grimsby

    Grimsby Forerunner

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    I have done a considerable amount of map testing in making this map, and i'd like to assure you that the amount of power weapons is dulled by the lack ammo, especially the sniper rifle which as well as having less ammo is in a difficult to reach and very exposed location.

    The map is designed in a way that forces the player to jump, and watch foot placement. Making verticality almost a nesetity when traveling from point A to B. I've noticed the player must adjust play styles when playing the map, compared to other maps with wide halways or pathways. Such as my previous map "Low Tide".

    Though i will take a look at any details that may cause irritation to the player.
  8. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks to be a really nice symmetrical and competitive map. I especially like the curved geometry. There are definitely quite a few places to go but a lot of the areas look very open and narrow like you could easily get caught in them. I like the layout and idea though so good work.
  9. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    Really good map! I don't think that you need to make any changes.

    Also some people are saying that the shade turret encourages spawnkilling, others are sayinng nobody will use it and it sucks...So combine that feedback and they're saying the shade turret is perfect!

    Shade turrets usually suck because people don't think about the shades limited range. it only sucks if you place it to far away or too up high (it can't look down to well either).
  10. DominationQ

    DominationQ Forerunner

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    Never really was a fan of the Shade turrets (especially those crazy Fuel Rod Turrets in campaign) but if it works for the map, I don't have a problem. I like the idea of the map, a very high platforming game, which I can just imagine how many times my friends would fall to their deaths! I'm assuming the rocks on the ground are just for show, and that they're off limits right? Though a ground level probably could be integrated into this type of map, though I'd imagine you're kinda low on budget by this point. Which brings me to the question, any framerate issues? Seems like alot of pieces in one area, though they don't appear to be stacked too much (as in share the same coordinates, they are literally stacked pretty high.) I'll dl it and take a look around myself.
  11. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It looks amazing it really does, and Im a fan of narrow spaces =D(pun). But im definitely DL this map.

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