Greetings, Mah name is Lannders i love forge and halo in general...Add me on XBL if you wana see some maps or play custom games...XBLG: Lannders =D
lmao thanks i apreciate it, i may reply slow working/thinking about and on this map...that didnt really make sence but what ever..
ive always looked at a "Bahaha" as a more forceful, boisterous laugh than "hahaha" like if a fat person carrying an armsfull of ice cream and snacks tripped and fell in front of you, that would be worthy of a BAhaha.
On the other hand if you start it with "Mwa" It becomes an evil laugh. Mwahahahahahaha Then if you do it with "J"s it becomes a spanish laugh Jajajajajajajajajajaja Then if you mix the "B" laugh with the "Mwa" laugh you get an evil boisterous laugh. Bwahahahahahahaha