
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by shi11tenshi, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    description: hey guys its been a little while but i am
    back with a new map for you all. inspired by older
    halo game mostly halo CE. i made a clash
    of relic + beaver creak + Valhalla + water works.
    now i know what you thinking and yes thats a whole hell
    of a lot of maps to try and put to gether but fear not
    it was only tiny parts from each map that made it in
    making a band new feeling experience for you guys to

    Flow: if you haven't watched the video many of the other
    forgers that played along side me in the tests agree
    thats combat is seen constantly throwout the entirety of
    the map.

    atheistic: as i said in the upper i drew on alot of the
    wonderful looks of older halo game and gave it a shot.

    spawning: not much here static for none slayer types and for team games,
    teams respawn in there respective bases

    the FR is good thanks to Equanox soul slasher moth
    and i did alot of work after this game to get the FR as low as posable

    Weapons and other:
    x5 dmr
    x5 needle rilfe
    x4 needler
    x2 ghost (3 min res)
    x2 ar
    x2 magnum
    x2 spiker
    x2 shotgun (one clip 120 sec)
    x1 sniper rifle (3 clip 130 sec)
    x1 laser ( same as ghosts)
    x6 plasma nades
    x4 frags
    x2 plasma pistol
    x1 grenade launcher (5 shots 130 sec)
    x4 med kits

    Video: i dont know if the vids bad or my PC hates bungie vids you let me know if it works fine for you if it fails i will put it on youtube...





    action shots

    note atheistics that the have changed to solve any frame rate problems before seen


    as worded by of my friends

    "this map is just complex enough to keep me wondering"

    -soul slasher x

    "damn tenshi you have been working, everything on this map looks creative and well done"

    - eightball

    "i hope this map gets the attention it deserves"

    - knight of order

    " i think this is one is my favorite work of yours"

    -flying shoe ilr

    Thanks to:
    Flying Shoe ILR
    Knight of 0rder
    Soul Slasher X
    iTz EightBall
    Th3 Equin0x
    xDTx Kaos

    There where many more people that helped out and i thank you all...

    download: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 shi11tenshi, Jul 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2011
  2. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow I'm the first one to notice that this beauty has been posted. For all of you other Forge Hub members I would strongly suggest downloading this map. It is one of the better large scale maps on the forums. Once again great job Tenshi it was a blast to test this. Oddball is probably my favorite mode on this map.
  3. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    thanks alot for the feed back and thanks again for all of the fun ass play testing i hope many people enjoys this map as half as much as the testers did i hope you look the changes i made to make the FR really smooth. and you flatter me i hope this has what it takes for people to have a good time. i am humbled by your comment
  4. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Definitely a very well-designed map here. The layout is not simplistic, nor did it succumb to the plague of overcomplexity. Honestly, this immediately stands out as a fantastic layout. The lines of sight offer a good mix of long-range and close-range combat. The amount of cover is sufficient but not cluttered. In addition, you have blended natural scenery with the forerunner architecture nicely. The aesthetics are unique and flow really well. It all looks balanced and fun.

    Also, I want you to know that I noticed the bases' resemblance to Waterworks before I actually read that it was designed with that in mind. Good work with that!

    The weapons seem to be perhaps a bit much, but thankfully not regarding power weapons. Maybe I'm wrong about there being too many weapons since, after all, I haven't played it. Just something to consider. Finally (and this is a really minor thing), the two Covenant shield barriers below the forerunner tower look kind of... out of place. Maybe it's just me. I just find it strange how they're staring at each other so closely. I don't think they're needed anyway.

    Overall, fantastic job here. This really is a great map!
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh holy crap, lol. I wasn't expecting to see this up so soon, but I guess if it's done it's done.

    Anyways, the first time I saw this map when it was in its beta stages, I had a good feeling about it. The giant structures are soooo reminiscent of halo CE..I love halo CE. The gameplay was great when you put on DMR starts and no evade- much more enjoyable than running around holding down the trigger spraying and praying with an AR..Damn I hate those things.

    Rambling aside, this is a solid, fun, and creative map. The bases are also well-constructed, not just thrown together in 5 seconds using a pre-forged structure. I also didn't notice any FRL, which I didn't know was a past existing problem.

    Great work, Tenshi.
    #5 Eightball, Jul 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2011
  6. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    it looks like it would be fun to play, but honestly, it reminds me of the Transient Tower in Infamous. The Transient Tower is a huge tower of junk. it looks pretty from far away, but when u get close, its just a huge tower of clutter. on the plus side, atleast the clutter looks pretty!

    its not easy on the eyes, but i still like it :) looks like you put your hours into it
  7. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You forgot me! Either way I did enjoy the map. I noticed fighting in almost all parts of the map. Although we did just murder some guests that one match. Good job and keep up the good work.
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, this is great, I love how the ghosts are actually balanced on such a small map and how the Splazor rapes but not too much. The structures are all great, they look good and give the map good lines of sight and an interesting flow, not to mention the cool tactical jumps (though I still think there should be a very easy one between the bases and the center structure.) Good job on this!
  9. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Great map. I'm glad that you lowered framerate, it was pretty... bad at one point. Anyway, It is a balanced and fun symmetrical map. It is complex at first, but overtime even a ub3r n00b can understand. Did I tell you it reminds me of a smaller version of sandtrap? Because it feels sorta like that... and that is one of my favorite maps.
  10. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    thanks all you guys for the wonderful feed back i am glad you all could find something you liked. i made this map a little bit each day toke my time and planned out the best i could but i had no idea people where going to have THIS much fund with this map


    yeah they do feel a bit outta place but i was just to great of an area to just leave without any cover at all so i put them wherever seeing the covies in campaign put them where to lol


    i am glad you liked it man and thanks for all the play testing you and all the others who played really help make this map shine thanks again


    yeah man i did put hours into this map i worked on this thing for about three weaks as for the clutter we all gotta work with what we got right any who i am still happy you liked my work :)

    @xdtx kaos

    i am sorry bro i will fix that and thank you for your time and now its yours to enjoy i hope you have fun XD

    @soul slasher

    i am humbled by you all i am really glad it was worth the time making and yeah slasher thanks again for helping out with the FRL your all awesome!
  11. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Wow, I was not expecting to see this posted so soon, made for a good surprise when I loaded up forgehub! You know what is kinda funny tenshi, I never noticed that you modeled your side structure after the big structure that is on the mountain. I saw your first picture, and thought wait a second lol. Pretty sad that I never noticed that detail while helping you with FR. Anyways, enough rambling and onto the map. This map truly stands on its own. Gameplay is exceptional, nearly the entire map was used during tests which made the gameplay fun and exciting! I hope people will realize what a gem this map is! Great job tenshi, by far your best map yet! Keep forging!
  12. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Tenshi, you had high expectations I think. You arrived on the site with your map pack and blew many away, including myself, at the impressive layout, forging, and dedication to your maps. This map has been no different (By the way, what does Radeata mean?).

    I only had the opportunity to play one testing session on this map- the final one (I saw myself in the video a few times, i was so kick-ass[joke]) and it played great. However I was slightly put off by how slow the game felt to go, sure it was great but I think this might be far better with 10 people, with teams of 5. As far as the map itself goes it is wonderful, with great aesthetics where they were able to be put, and a uniqueness in the laser and ghosts propels one's curiosity into this map and there was never an issue where one team had an advantage. Sure, blue started off bad, but we did come back with a score difference of just 2. My only complaint is the loadout cam- I just dont like how it shows the least pretty part of your map, and no areas one can get to. I recommend changing it to the side with the beautiful Valhalla spire.
  13. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    wow thanks guys i hope the rest of forgehub can have fun with this map but it will go unnoticed becuase everyone's out for there own maps i put alot of work into this map to make it play just right i am gald it paid of i only wish more people could notice it and have a good time thats all i really want i put my time into these maps for you guys and with out you guys these map whould be pointless thanks for fallowing my work guys and lets hope my hard work thinking and plotted gets somewhere this time everything i used here on thing map was inspired by bungie and the many years they worked for us thanks everone
  14. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How come I haven't commented on this yet, I swear I have. This map was so much fun even though I found the sniper spawn time quite generous, as if that was a bad thing ;). It flowed well with unintentional tactical jumps and escape paths that proved more of a nuisance that anything else, but that's not a bad thing. Hope to see more maps from you.
  15. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    i was hoping only the more skilled players whould use the tac jump and the other kinds of players whould just run around and destroy eachother i think this map is good for all kinds of skill ranges and personally hope this map gose abit feather then it has
  16. Neil

    Neil Forerunner

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    this is so good in every aspect, I literally don't even know where to start. In my head I've turned the criticism knob all the way up, but nothing's comin out. So many subtle details on this map combine to make it really pretty to look at, and it looks wicked fun to play on. I'm a sucker for aesthetics, and I love how you paid homage to CE in your design; you can really see it. Great map man.
  17. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I loved playing on this map. The only issues involved some minor bumps here and there. The central structure was a lot of fun to hold down without being over-powering, despite it's advantages. The towers in each base were a little campable, but weren't abused very often. All of the map was used and DMR starts are definitely the best way to play it. I hope everyone takes the time to DL this original map.

    Lemme know if you're interested in co-forging sometime dude.
  18. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    I love the old maps bungie used to make and in this
    game i feel like i nah more like want to continue
    what bungie was doing big huge towers scenic grass and rocks and to
    top it all off the gameplay of this map is fun fun fun
    which is the most important thing to me i love a map that plays well
    but over a map that looks good sometime in my maps i will sacrifice look for gameplay
    i am glad i could have both here thanks for the feed back man

    yep i made it over the last month i hope you have many great custom games on this :)

    thanks Bert you will be happy to know in the final version i hammered out most of the nasty bumps
    but i did leave some so the ghost wont stay in boost mode the whole game
    and even remade the big tower that gave my so much hard FRL thanks to you guys i was able to fix it all
    and try to post a map that all kinds off player can find something they love about it thanks for the
    feedback and i hope you enjoy yourself lol
  19. P1gyP0pM4chine

    P1gyP0pM4chine Forerunner

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    Looks really great, you used some objects in ways i couldn't have thought of myself.
    Great job you've got my download
  20. unoverrated

    unoverrated Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think you should post more pictures i cant really understand what you've erected from these.

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