Crusade This map is built in an odd part of forge world that very few maps are located at. It is asymmetrical, and as of now only supports team slayer and assault. The red team is in charge of protecting the ancient rock temple and its secret from the invading blue forces. Weapon List: 1x Energy Sword 1x Grenade Launcher 2x Sniper Rifles 1x Needler 2x DMRs 2x Magnums 2x Plasma Pistols 2x Needle Rifles the sacred sacrifice temple a look inside the temple Sorry I have no pics of the bases every time I save them I just get a black screen in local files. Just imagine a tower 2 story and a little rectangle base on the bottom as one, and a house(building blocks and inclines) as the other. Also, this map needs a name. Suggestions are welcome
I accidently deleted my other pics of this map, but I did find one, the sacrifice stone temple. I hope this will now encourage people to check this map out. And as for my future in map posting, now that i know how to i will always have pics of my map. Thank you
If I can do this on my iPhone you can do it on a computer. It doesn't require any partial differential equations. In all honesty it looks incredibly bland. Not just because it's unfinished but because there is no height variation in the floor and the structures look out of place, unfinished, and like random stacks if blocks. Your antenna is also not centered.
First off, this is an unfinished map I was going to toss(not the preview) and second, Wait, I asked another forge hubber and they said you cant use a link. So all i have to do is go to recent screenshots and then copy the pic i wants link??
name suggestions are no longer needed. I like reigns idea and have named it crusade. Please check it out. It is on my file share