Contest idea: Base wars

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by timothy pumpkin, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. timothy pumpkin

    timothy pumpkin Forerunner
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    Don't mind if no one agrees, but what me and my friends do is we would split into 2 or more teams, and each team would build a base on forge world, relatively close together. Then we would put our team colour spawns in our own bases, go into custom games and see who wins a slayer match.

    The rules:

    1.) Be fair when using power weapons, don't nick them all.
    2.) Same with vehicles, so don't buy ones you can't use (i.e wraith in the sky, a common occurrence)
    3.) Only buy armour ability's you are going to use.
    4.) Don't just build a box, your base has to have a way in and out.
    5.) No teleporters into other peoples bases. For obvious reasons.
    6.) No kill balls/death areas over other peoples base, or anywhere outside of your own.
    7.) No peaking into others bases when they are still building, its rude.
    8.) Although we permit death traps in your own base, it still has to be possible to enter from the outside.
    9.) You are aloud to team up with other teams in customs, but when you get betrayed it's not my fault XD.
    10.) As with vehicles and weapons don't buy objects you don't need. Because the budget goes quickly.
    11.) Don't build a massive base, be fair.
    12.) No spawn killing, if someone has an open spawn area that you can easily get to or snipe into tell them before the game starts, or you will have to end the game.
    13.) Try and make a stylish base, because it makes it more fun.
    14.) Time limit when building, after it ends they must stop what they are building and start weapon, AA and vehicle placement.
    15.) Each team gets exactly half the budget, if there is more teams it is still split up equally.
    16.) An area to build and a gametype is chosen beforehand, bases must stay in the area provided. They can be floating.

    Still thinking yes it probably would be a better idea to take it in turns when building, that way you can keep track of the budget.

    And that's kinda the base rules any suggestions I don't mind you can probably think of a few.

    How the contest would work:

    Well I am going to say that there is no minimum team size, so if 1 thinks he can take a team of 6 let him!. Still debating maximum team size, I am thinking 6, but even then that is quite large. I would permit 4 teams in 1 match, or there would just be no budget at all, but preference would just be 2. The contest would work with organised games with spectators watching over the forge construction, just to make sure no cheats are going on (so 1 spectator for each team) and then just 1 spectator for custom games, who would be given a kinda floating box and a sniper, so he can administrate punishments for cheating (Spawn killing ect.) and scope in to see what is going on. He would then submit the scores. And the winning team would go on to fight another team who won their match. Until we get down to the last team.

    It would be a bit more organised than random matches communication would be required, each team would think of a name (That's always fun) and be added to list kept in the forums somewhere. In the thread it could also mention resent results from battles and who are the current top 4 teams. This would require an active OP but I suppose it could be done. Then as you loose a match your team gets a line through its name and your out. That way we can keep track of how many teams entered and how many are left. Now we could have prizes of some sort for the top 3 teams. Not sure what because I heard cookies aren't as popular as they used to be but something all the same.

    So yeah don't really care if this gets ignored it was just something to keep me occupied for a while :D
    #1 timothy pumpkin, Aug 3, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    This was done fairly often in Halo 3. I forgot what they called it.
  3. timothy pumpkin

    timothy pumpkin Forerunner
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    Yeah, we used to do it in Halo 3 as well, it was more fin on sandbox, and we didn't have as many rules. But ah well.
  4. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    I was saying it as a way of keeping the trolls from flaming you for having what they viewed as a bad idea, not as a detriment to the idea itself.
  5. timothy pumpkin

    timothy pumpkin Forerunner
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  6. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    It's a nice idea...But I'd change/add a few rules:

    1. Each team gets exactly halfthe budget/inventory stock.
    2. There is a time limit...Once this runs out the 2 teams must immedialty stop what they're building and begin weapon placements (like an exam LOL)
    3. I would change where you said "don't buy objects you don't need" because, as I said the 2 teams would have half the budget, what they do with it is up to them...
    4. Your team is not alloud to cross over to the enemy base when building. So enemy bases can't be sabotaged/rigged with teleporters/spawn points/explosives.
    5. The 2 teams must agree on a gametype beforehand.
    6. Teams are allowed to build outside bases, provided they don't cross the halfway point of the map.

    Feel free to add these rules to your list if you want =)
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    If there's enough organization it's usually beat to use hemorrhage for this and let one team build their base with half the budget then turn the map over to the second team to build their base and finally allow the first team to inspect the map to make sure their base has not been tampered with. It actually turns out better if each team understands the workings of the other teams base. Bro slayer is generally the best gametype for obvious reasons.
  8. timothy pumpkin

    timothy pumpkin Forerunner
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    Yeah I edited in the ideas posted, might as well in case someone out there likes it XD
  9. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    Like the idea, me and my friends also like building bases then just fight!

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