Atmospheric Created by Chicken Dippah (3rd Map) Base to base action, Too tough for ya? Download Atmospheric Map: Here Download AtmosKills Gametype: Here Download AtmosBomb Gametype: Here Download AtmosFlag Gametype: Here This is a small to medium sized map that is a large platform accesable by a one way elevator which is then only escaped by a certain teleportery death =] find out yourself. The platform has windows that looks down on the only route to each of the two bases. This route is where the main fighting happens due to its tightness and hopefully decent weapon placement this should lead to some pretty intense battles. The warthog in the middle is an attracting feature but not on your own teamwork is the key. Weapons placed on the map are: #4SMGs (2 In Each base, 30 Seconds Respawn) #4 Spikers (2 in Each base - Behind roadblocks, 30 Seconds respawn) #2 Mauler(On the beginning Barrier of each base, 30 Seconds Respawn) #1 Battle Rifle (On the Platform, 10 Seconds Respawn) #1 Covenant Combine(Inside the platform, 10 Seconds Respawn) #2 Assault Rifles (One in each base against boxs, 30 Seconds Respawn) #1 Warthog Turret (to control middle section of map) #1 Power Drain (Middle section, 30 Seconds Respawn) #1 Regenerator (Middle section, 30 Seconds Respawn) #4 Deployable Cover (2 in Each base - Behind roadblocks, 30 Seconds respawn) This map is compatible with Team Slayer, Assault and Capture the Flag gametypes all of which can be found at the top and bottom of this post. Two Bomb Assault (Atmosbomb): Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 2 second spawn shield- The bomb is on the plant point in the corner of each base with an instant arming time and 15 second fuse, defenders only have 5 defusing it. MultiFlag CTF (AtmosFlag): Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 2 second spawn shield - The flags are located in the same place as the bombs in assault on the plant point in each base, the flags respawn as soon as their dropped so be as tactical as possible, another thing Flag carries have 75% movement but 200% Shield regeneration so stick with him. First to 5 in 10 minutes. Team Slayer (AtmosKills):Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 2 second spawn shield - Get as many points as possible in 10 minutes. Be warned the leader appears black blending into the alleys dark shadows. Screenshots: Attacking Spawn. Defending Spawn. Middle Section. Elevator! Platform View from turret (deadly) Middle battle. Thats what you get for wearing an EOD helmet Download Atmospheric Map: Here Download AtmosKills Gametype: Here Download AtmosBomb Gametype: Here Download AtmosFlag Gametype: Here
Looks pretty cool. Did you interlock at all? Good job on getting your post right the first time though.
Man, you got everything right. Ill do a forge-through/play through and get back 2 ya on this one. Sweet.
im soconfused... this all just looks like you randomly put stuff in... this wasnt planned at all was it? sry but ill have to pass on the dl for this.
i thought my interlocking was pretty good. and the person who said this wasnt planned maybe try reading the description and see how much effort went into this before putting my work down like this thats the reason i wouldnt post another.