UNSC Aquila Chrysaetos Welcome Spartans to the newest bird in the UNSC Fleet, The UNSC Aquila Chrysaetos. This ship is a classified Spartan operated Destoryer-Class Warship. Although it is officially labeled as a Destoryer- Class Warship, this ship is anything but your average destroyer. As it serves as a fighter, flagship, boarding vessel, and reconnaissance vessel. Designed specifically for a 8 man Spartan Strike Force, this bird is one of the fastest, most agile, and lethal ships in the entire UNSC Fleet. Perhaps even deadlier than the Spartans that man it. Named after the Golden Eagle whom uses its speed, agility, mastery of flight and powerful talons to take out prey up to four times its size, The Aquila Chrysaetos more than lives up to its name. But alas this is not her finest hour. The ships AI has gone ramped and had to be wiped, as a result, The UNSC Aquila is currently rendered immobile, its auto turret systems are offline and its vehicle bay door is stuck open. While a new AI is being uploaded, it will take sometime before it is fully functional. As if things couldn’t get any worse, the covenant have discovered her in this state, and have set up a slipsapce teleporation device near her location. Defend your ship from the covenant invasion. Luckly, both fail-safe shield generators are still operational, and the port, starboard, maintenance access shaft and boarding bay shields are still up. The upper and lower weapons decks(2 gauss cannons, 2 machine gun turrets, 1 rocket turret) plus the twin point defense heavy machine gun ports are still operational, use these to defend against incoming covenant troops and banshee’s. The two falcons, scorpion tanks, and mongoose’s onboard are also still operational and may assist in repelling covy boarding parties. Spartan mission briefing: There are three bombs located on the ship, two in the vehicle bay and one in the cargo bay. The Covenant will try to use these against us. If they manage to destroy both shield generates in succession, the hangar bay shields and boarding bay shields will fail. If this happens all is not loss, but it will be considerably harder to defend the cargo bay bomb. If the elites manage to acquire the cargo bay bomb, and plant it in the bridge of the Aquila, she will never fly again. Spartans, this ship is your life source. DEFEND IT AT ALL COSTS! Elites Mission Briefing: As you learned earlier, you have caught the Aquila Chrysaetos at a rare time, with her AI gone ramped, the Ship is unable to maneuver in any direction, fire her auto turrets or open her vehicle bay. There is not much time before her new AI will be uploaded and she will be lost. You will be spawning in a slipspace teleportaion bay on a massive supercarrier outside the ringworld you will be sent to, you must travel to the teleporter in 10 seconds or less otherwise the slipspace field will collapse and cause certain death. Troops, push forward and unto the portal. spread out and drop low, head towards her vehicle bay. Inside the bay you will find two bombs, grab one and destroy her maintenance shaft shield generators. Once those shields have been destroyed, grab the second bomb and push into her maintenance access shaft, at the end you will find the ships main shield generator, destroy this and all her shields will fall. Next, push into her cargo bay, grab the last bomb and plant it in the bridge of this ship. This will not be easy, the “Golden Eagles” await your arrival, do not relent and show no mercy. If the Spartans manage to get her AI upoladed she will be lost forever. If anyone would just like to fly around the ship in forge, certain settings are required to make it fully enjoyable and playable. Set movement to 120 and gravity to 50. Than set starting equipment to jet pack, and equipment usage to unlimited. This is the same settings Invasion is run on. I use vertical 5x1 and 3x1 Shorts as "fictional" ladders, and because reach has no vertical ladder system, jetpacks are required too ascend levels. In the "fictional" world, Spartans would climb the ladders to gain access to different levels. Big thanks to all the Ship creators out there who gave me inspiration to build this one, just looking at many of your ships really helped me design my own. I do forge for MLG, and one thing i noticed was that many of the ship interiors i did see were not exactly suited for competitive game play and where often cluttered in many area's. So a main focus was to make a ship that has all the components of a real UNSC ship(Vehicle bay, maintenance shafts, engines, boarding/drop podbay,hangar, cargo bay, bridge, mess hall, living quarters and weapon decks, plus point defense turrets) And still played functionally well in the interior. Hope you guys enjoy it! Add SaityKoalaBear if you wanna run games or get a personal tour from the creator. Its Salty with a i instead of L
this is the funniest lookin space ship ive ever seen... haha!!! it looks more like the front end of the ship that master chief was in at the end of halo 3, the part that made the jump. anyways. the inside looks cool.
I LOVE the aesthetics in the Docking Bay or whatever it is. Very nice. Good work on the engines also, however the overall exterior looks a bit... bland. Perhaps using Brace, Larges or something of the nature could help spruce up the outside a bit.