Am fooling around in forge today and i made this map im calling pranoas. inspiration: The layout: What im worried about is the columns. I tried to make them as alien and forunner as possible: I used 4 sniper nests and 2 struts per column. Looking at guides they say that snipe towers can make a lot of lag. should i be worried? update: Birds eye: Side (symmetrical) Center:
Everything if Forge can cause a lot of lag. Just don't place a lot of object in a small space and you're usually good.
Lag depends on how you expect the map to be played. If its for big team then lag will be a big problem with those pillars, especially in splitscreen, but for a simple 4v4 the map should be fine. Framerate problems also depend on how much of the map a player can see at a time and how much if the object is hidden. I'm not exactly sure about those towers but hiding certain parts if objects can eliminate the framerate problems.
I like the layout from what I can see, but I think there are several things that could be made different. First of all, there is absolutely to much gray on this map, it is almost to the point of hurting my eyes lol. I would try to remove all those coliseum walls and use blocks. That will improve your map greatly. Also in your picture, that you used for inspiration, those columns look very similar to platform XL's. Maybe, you could use those instead, to free up some objects. Just some initial thoughts. Look fwd to seeing the finished product.
Another thing I find a problem is that of area recognition. Its impossible to tell where people are in your team, where people are in the opposition team and coordinate yourself
to solve both your problems, i havnt added the colour markers yet and some aesthetics for recognition. right now im deciding whether to make the "bases" (where the flag stand is for ctf) either horizontal (on the platforms on either side of the map in the middle gap) or vertical (basically one team is on one side of the gap) also, now that you pointed out the greying, i agree and im moving parts around. using ramp xl, dont think ill use, its to long length wise [br][/br]Edited by merge: Update log1: Columns changed: Center aisle: Two different sides: [br][/br]Edited by merge: Update log 2: