If I had to choose who I thought th most beautiful actress in the world was I would choose Scarlett Johansson. Who do you think it should be? (sorry for posting on gaming forum, was not paying attention)
actually I forgot about Scarlett Johanssen, Uma Thurman is beautiful but Scarlett is like a goddess! I cant beleive that I forgot about SCARLETT!!!! (and shes super sexy)
Oh!, the vanity! When we stop judging beauty by the standards set by the entertainment industry? I can't possibly know who the most beautiful actress is, because I haven't met any of them. From what I've gathered by her watching movies, Jodie Foster is the most beautiful in the sense that her acting is beautiful to watch.
I totally have a crush on Scarlett, specifically in her role in Lost In Translation. And not solely because she's in her undies either. Her character just seems like someone I would love to know. And I've always been hot for Jennifer Connelly since way back in the Labyrinth days.
I don't think that much of Uma Thurman. If I were to choose the most beautiful actress in the world, it would definitely be Jessica Alba.
Alba? The only thing she's been in that's remotely worth watching is dark angel. She isn't really beautiful, she's erotic.
Jennifer Connelly is very attractive but I would have to say that either Uma Thurman or Scarlett Johanssen are the most beautiful. youre right a-groeper she is a very erotic women but I never thought she was BEAUTIFUL, but granted she is very pretty
Alba? Dark Angel is the only thing she's starred in that I find even remotely interesting. She's not so much beautiful as she is erotic. How much of that eroticsm is actually her own is anyone's guess. By their very nature, actresses show a side of themselves to the public that isn't really who they are at all.
Keira is a bit skinny for my liking but I'd still bone her. Natalie Portman is just .... well hot ...
I agree with you Ty she is a bit skinny, I like a women with a little meat, like jessica simpson or Pamela Anderson