Every time I make a map I start and build like 1/5 of it and it takes like an hour. Then I become impatient and quickly finish the map in 30 mins. So I was wondering, how do the people who make those incredible maps stay so focused and patient? So if you have any tips or advice for me it would be greatly appreciated!
When it comes to forging, I'm not patient, lol. I make almost all of a map before deciding "This map sucks".
I used to be like that. I just don't care anymore so it takes me forever. I end up rebuilding the maps multiple times aswell.
My best advice is, build a map.... then get others to check said map out, get feedback from them, maybe change some stuff up, and keep doing this until you feel the map is really ready. --That's what I do. --'Cept I slack off when it comes to spawns and actually testing a map is like impossible, so 99% of the maps I make are lost.
Try 200 hours of forging Flight Deck including its prototype before it. Staying up to 5AM, going to work the next morning, coming home at night to repeat the cycle over and over again... You have to love it to keep at it.
Usually I do little bits and peices until I finish, which is why I take about 3 weeks to make a map. Usually an hour or two of forging a day. As others said, you have to love it to keep doing it,
Exactly. The love for forge will keep you working. Also, don't worry about a map taking forever to forge. Most people take quite awhile anyways.
Ah this makes sense now, I asked around and was led to believe people were making their awesome maps in one hour. Thank you