I don't know about you guys, but I for one find the normal physics in forge virtually useless, the ONLY use it has for me is for weapons, explosives, and crate placements. Here's how I propose this forge tool becomes usefull again for halo 4: Currently when an object in structures is set to normal physics, it will just fall to the ground, if left undisturbed for a few seconds, it will "lock" into place. You can delete the floor it was on, shoot it, grenade it, then jump up and down on it for 5 hours, it still won't budge. I think for Halo 4s forge (assuming it has one, and it damn well better), when an object is dropped in forge whilst set as normal physics, it should fall down to the floor, settle, but if the object is then disturbed, it will react, no matter how long it has settled for. If it is punched, it will move (provided its not too big), if its floor gets destroyed, it will fall, if it hits a grav lift, it will fly. Of course then you have the problem of item despawning, but that could be set to a timer like respawn rate is, or never happen if you wish. I think the things people could create with this would be virtually limitless. Players could make a see-saw out of a 5X1 block, a simple piviot point, and 2 stoppers so the platform doesn't slide off. This could be a great addition to a map, providing access to 4 hallways on 2 different levels. It could also be used as a trap, dumping a crate-load of fusion coils on the unsuspecting victim. People could make a block which falls down from the sky, which kills players underneath it and provides a platform for anybody lucky enough to survive. Classic halo 3 mechanisms such as the "dumpster trap" and the "pallet zombie barracade" could be remade better than ever. Hell, even a jenga tower of building blocks would be possible! (And a hell of a lot easier to build). The true forge geniuses would be able to make entirely collapsable buildings and bridges. And maybe even complex mechanical systems which just require the player standing on a block, causing a chain of events? Working drawbridges anyone? If it were possible to despawn and respawn objects every few seconds, it would even be possible to make a realistic elevator by despawning and respawning gravlifts under a platform. Like I said, the possibilities are endless. If you have any thoughts to this idea, or any more things you could do with it, feel free to post below. Thank you for reading this epicly long post.