But I don't really consider it a bad thing he bumped all my maps, I mean he broke the rules but hey, my maps were bumped! And btw, this is the 100th reply!
*claps* one hundred, you're a big boy now! and it is never right to be the rules, because breaking the rules is wrong and wrong≠right and by the way, THIS is the 100th reply, ^that^ was the one hundredth post.
Actually I have notcied that only 50% of my maps aren't on Foundry, and i f someone can make a good map on something other than Foundry, that is a good thing. Also, I only have 4 maps so 50z5 of four isn't "alot".... I am not saying I find your comment offensive but....
This map looks very real and natural, almost like ghost town was intended to look like this. Excellent job.
At first I didn't quite understand your comment. Then I realized you were talking about how Ghost Twon originally was before being abandoned. So, I guess to take that as a compliment, and I honestly didn't expect this thread to come up again, awesome necro posters...
i love to see people forge on ghost town...there can be so many great maps forged on it,but is seldom people try to use ghost town.
It's got some nice geomerging in it, but I prefer the maps which cut out part of the map to change the gameplay and privide a seperate experience. I'll pass on a download. Oh and the name is slightly gay....