Sky Dive

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by REMkings, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sky Dive

    Created by REMkings


    First of all I want to mention that I am new to Forge Hub so if this may look a little unprofessional you will now understand why. I decided that my first post on this forum should be about my first successful map, successfull among my friends but also, surprisingly, on, according to the overrated amount of downloads. I also want to mention that I am from the Netherlands and if I would make any grammatical errors, it's because my English is not that good. So sorry about that.

    Map Description
    But about the map: This map is called Sky Dive and is centered in a giant box with lots of man cannons and onewayshields at the sides, and a huge cube in the middle. It supports only one, custom gametype. I designed it for Slayer so basically the principle is just "kill 'em". You have unlimited jetpack and no weapons but your Energy sword and three sticky grenades. You also have active camo so you're barely visible to other players unless they are uncomfortably close.

    Fun factor
    The fun factor for this minigame is that the killing is so random. You can hardly manoeuvre through the map and most of the time you will be hunting one person you just saw flying around but when you finally think you are able to strike him down somebody else will run you through with his sword. Your sticks won't help you that much either, sometimes you can get a lucky stick but mostly they're useless.
    The teleporter at the bottom next to one of the sides of the cube will make it even more random and the overshield right above the teleporter will give you a little advantage in your next man-to-man fight.
    It is playable with 16 players but I never got around to playtest it. I presume it would be very hectic. I did test it with 4 people though and that was hilarious.
    Here are some pictures I've taken while playing 1v1 on this map:

    Overall picture

    Overshield might come in handy

    Can you win?

    Yes you can!

    Do a slam dunk for me, Kobe

    Be careful: plasma grenades flying around all the time

    Flying and Chopping
    Okay, that would be it, I hope the screenshots explained the rest, unfortunately I didn't make close ups but I will do this for my next post. If you have any questions don't be afraid to PM me, I'd like to help you! But in fact I don't think this map will raise that many questions because you just have to experience it. Thank you in advance for downloading and I would love to hear your feedback!
    I wish you good luck with flying and chopping!
    #1 REMkings, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    As I played this map I started to notice that it's kind of small especially if it can play up to 16 people. It is a fun minigame but it can be kind of frustrating for first time players. It's up to you but I would add more room to move and maybe some places to get away from the action for a little. Good job. Next time try making a minigame that is compatible with more than just slayer.
  3. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thank you very much for your feedback!

    You might be right, I can't tell since I only tested it with 3 close friends, but people should know it's not meant to be challenging or giving an MLG experience, it's most of all just hanging around and having fun. But I see what you mean.

    I'm not sure if I'm going to add more room since I created this minigame way back in December, and the chance that people are actually going to download it again or play with 16 people isn't that big.

    It's a good idea to make more gametypes, perhaps things like Speedpile or Infection would be fun. I don't know, first I want to focus on the maps that are still coming, I can always change this one later.
    Be sure to check those out by the way!

    Once again, thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate because it helps me a lot!
  4. bullet2thehead9

    bullet2thehead9 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like the concept of the map but it does look a little small and I am not to sure how I feel about having active camouflage on
  5. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I agree that it might look small but you'd be surprised how hard it is to hunt someone down, even on a small to medium sized map like this. And the active camo will assure a lot of fun, you can count on that ;)
    Thanks for your feedback

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