Hello fellow forge people =) Me and a friend (GT: Hanz Almighty) have remade the classic Halo 3 fat-kid map Zombie Stadium. And don't worry, there is a proper Fat Kid gametype, not that retarded "fat kid army" or whatever it's called. Description: The Alpha zombie (AKA the fat kid) spawns with 2000% damage resistance + 4x overshields, he also moves very slow, and have a very limited jump height, since he's so fat. When the fat kid infects a human, the human will spawn as a zombie with 300% speed and 10% damage resistance. The humans must then try to kill the fat kid, either by hitting him from behind or shooting him with rockets/lasers etc.. Recommended ammount of players is at least 8, the more people you are, the better. Screenshots: Human spawn Zombie spawn 3rd and 4th floor, plus human spawn on the bottom 5th and top floor 2nd floor corridor, there is one of these between each floor Enjoy!
This has been around for longer than you know. On topic, instead of making this a generic fat kid map, you should make it so that it's actually challenging for the humans, and not just a slaughterfest for the humans. Otherwise you'll have zombies ragequitting left and right. Also: a shade turret, really?
Wow, we should have been working to gether (http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-casual-maps/130217-fat-kid-plaza.html#post1428944) I just made the same thing lol, I like wat u did, but I feel it is a little small, and the 4x oversheild can make it really hard to kill the fat kid, really really hard.
Well, we can make another zombie map together if you want to We wanted to make it so that the fat kid has 4x overshields, because we want him to be almost impossible to kill, while the regular zombies are very weak, You're supposed to need team-work to kill the fat kid
That's weird, I acually visit these forums every once in a while to download stuff, strange that I haven't seen it. I made this account just to reply to this thread, that's how exited I was xD