
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Eightball, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    By Eightball.​

    Since I know noone likes to read, I'll keep it short and sweet.


    Mirage is a 2v2 assymetrical map built somewhat between the Pillar and the Island. It's in a hard to describe location, really.

    Mirage combines some of the best gameplay and some of my best aesthetics yet. I feel with this map, I have done a great job at making gameplay fair and fun.

    I also think that this map's gameplay is just a bit better than Elysium and I'm hoping this map will truly shine as my best work, yet.


    So, here's how the custom gametype goes- Spint armor ability only and DMR starts (Just the way I like it.)


    Active camo (Place at start: Yes) (Respawn: 120)

    Custom Power-up (Place at start: No) (Respawn: 120)

    Custom Power-up gives you x3 Overshields, which will ultimately give you a slight advantage over your opponents.


    x3 DMR
    x1 Grenade Launcher (Place at start: No) (Respawn: 120)
    x1 Sniper Rifle (Place at start: No) (Respawn: 150)
    x2 Spiker (Respawn: 60)
    x3 Health Pack
    x1 Plasma Grenade
    x1 Frag Grenade​


    There is one sender and reciever node on the map. The sender node will take you to the Active Camo spawn.

    Sender node (Place at start: No) (Respawn : 30)

    The sender node doesn't spawn right away, because the active camo is located above Blue spawn, which if I hadn't set to not spawn at start, red team could easily spawn kill.


    A huge thanks to Rorak Kuroda for all of his help with spawning and advice on the map.

    Thanks to AceOfSpades0707 for ideas to improve gameplay on the map. (I do remember you helping with fixing walls on the map to provide better cover.)

    A big thanks to Th3 Equin0x, for setting up the gametypes.

    Finally, thanks to all of the testers.

    Arctic Hunter
    Flying Shoe ILR
    Soul Slasher
    Rorak kuroda
    Available Moth
    Confused Flamingo
    itzz Longshot




    Thanks for checking the map out, enjoy.

    #1 Eightball, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  2. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    couldn't wait for this to be posted. I never saw the results of the chosen names for this map, but I definitely voted for Mirage. It seems to have a somewhat simple layout, and it also seems to have great aesthetics. The teleporter idea is great, but I would like to check it out in forge. Another job well done, eightball.

    Oh right... first!!!!
    #2 Minister Muffin, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  3. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    I have had good times and bad times on this map and truly it deserves a lot of attention as usual. I still disaprove of the 3rd floor for the active camo however it played fairly well with it and was not overpowering. The bridges and the height variation felt so good and played so well with 2v2 it has to be one of my favorites. This map really touched me where I love 2v2, minus the grenade spamming.
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm glad you like it, but you never really did bad on it, IMO. As for the grenade spamming, I fixed that. I only put 2 grenades on the map at higher respawn times to cut nade spam completely. Thanks for the comment.
  5. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i remember when you were asking people what you should name this map geuss Mirage won im downloading this right now.
  6. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    first.... o wait.. damnit.
    this is another awesome eightball map, i was waiting fo this to get posted so i could nominate it for FHF.. but now it was to wait. this map looks and plays extremely well.. there isnt one spot that isnt used. you are all over the map during the game, which means good things and words i cant spell.. ha, keep it up "gay"ght ball.
  7. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    Yaaaaaaay. Its about time. What happened to Ember, promethean and the other name ideas. Either way I had a lot of fun testing this. It was very balanced and had great gameplay. Good work. Can't wait to see what will come next from you.
  8. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    Yay, I voted for the correct name! But, that's beside the point, you did an out-standing job on this map Eightball, as usual. If more FH maps were in matchmaking I would enjoy it a lot more, mostly thanks to these beauties you put out quite often. My only question does Red Team have a sleight advantage over blue team due to the teleporter above their base, I know about the 30 second timer but still, epic flanking advantage still applies, in the early game at least.
  9. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Two questions:

    One: What happened to Ember or Promethean as names?
    Two: When was the camo and camo walkway added?

    Mirage, as it has come to be called, has to be one of my favorite small-map experiences. Rivaled only by Elysium, Blackout, and Career's yet-to-be-released Mercury. As any good small-scale experience should, it promotes constant movement and flow everywhere. I think you could differ from the weapon set a bit.
  10. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    I just downloaded this and ran through it in a custom. Here are my comments:

    I really like the architecture of the map. It's simple and effective. The Brace, Large piece has always been one of my favorites and it works really well here. The map's layout is also superb. The bridges and ramps are placed just right, and it's very easy to remember. Also, there is a really nice amount of color.

    I will admit, however, that I'm not a big fan of the weapon placement. The number of DMRs is almost unnecessary if you're playing with DMR starts, and the no-clip Spikers seem hardly worth the effort to pick up. I'm guessing they are meant to create map movement to go for the extra ammunition, but in a DMR battle, I'm not sure Spikers would be of much use. I know you guys are really hardcore with your DMRs, so I guess this is more of an expression of personal taste than anything else.

    The way you placed the Sniper and the Grenade Launcher are really creative and look really awesome...but they are just so hard to see! I ran past both of them several times before I noticed they were even there.

    Overall, I think it's a great map for uber-competitive play, and I think you should pat yourself on the back for it. I expect that it would play brilliantly for players who know the map really well, although I think people who've never played on it before might struggle. It's not my favorite map of yours, but it does show how far you've come in terms of focusing on both gameplay and aesthetics.
  11. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    After the first time I played this map I knew there was no going back for you. You released Elysium and I was blown away, because that was light years ahead of your previous maps which focused on looks. Then you released Elixir and I became worried, because it reminded me a lot of your old maps. But after playing this map, I can see the gameplay is your main goal! Anyways, I thought the overall map seemed pretty balanced, and I would say that most all of the map was used in the games I played. I can see how players might not see some of the power weapons right away, I know I had the same problem. Not sure how you can fix that. Also I am also not sold on your camo addition, but it was not too annoying. I know Marcass was up there at one point, and I did not have any grenades, which made killing him frustrating. Anyways, I will stop my talking now. Great map and look fwd to more! Maybe a 3v3??
  12. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    Love the looks of it, good work! This is how I like maps to be, complex with diffrent levels.

    You're Custom Gametype, isn't that just Slayer Pro? :)
  13. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Im glad too see this map finally up! I had a blast on this map, it as so fun and i had no issues at all. I really love the orange color you put on the map, and especially that big wall that caved in, It looks really cool. I distinctly remember me recieving quite a beatdown on this map, but i still enjoyed it nonetheless. Im gonna call it, and say this will be yet another fhf from you. Nice job!
  14. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    This map is gay.

    Haha, just kidding. I really enjoyed the testing process on this map, even though you thrashed me 18-1, (he ended the game to spare me the humiliation). The orange hue really worked well with the rocks and the simple yet effective aesthetics.

    Looks like you've improved it since the test I was in, so I'll have to download this and check out the final product.
  15. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    A 0 spare clip Spiker can take down at least 4 sets of shields. Having it be any higher would be rape. On smaller maps, the Spiker is definitely a power weapon in the right hands. You can either pop shields at a fairly moderate distance and finish with the DMR or catch the opponent by surprise, lay a few rounds into them, and finish with a melee. Don't underestimate it.
  16. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
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    What happened to Ember? Also, where is my name on the Tester's List? I'm sure that I tested it with you, Equinox, and one other person (The GT slips my mind right now). The map is great. There are a few new things that I don't remember like the Active Camo, but I'm sure that it will still play well. Just remember that I am the Grenade God and all Grenades obey me (At least on this map they obeyed me).
  17. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There was no flanking in the matches I had. Movement around the map was too common. The active camo spawn isn't at all overpowering either- It's completely exposed. Thanks for the comment.

    Edited by merge:

    Well, I decided to go with Mirage, as I liked it much better. I thought I showed you the active camo walkway, but oh well. I added it in to improve movement around the map as well as aesthetics. Sniper and grenade launcher are a great combo for 1v1/2v2, IMO. Picking up both leaves you at a disadvantage most of the time. I really want players to use weapons that take more skill. Shotgun and sword are just lame.

    Edited by merge:

    I agree with the power weapon locations. Not much I could do about that. They worked well, but were hard to see. Once you get a few games on it you and everyone will know where they are.

    Edited by merge:

    You forgot the custom power-up and the sprint and DMR starts, smart guy ;)

    Edited by merge:

    Post of the day.

    I knew spiker would pose a threat on this map. I always like using them for easy take downs. I could kill you with just 4 spikes left in it and a couple DMR shots.

    Edited by merge:

    I didn't like Ember as much. I don't remember you testing this with me..I usually don't forget, but who knows. The active camo is new. I added it in the day before I posted the map and it works really well. Thanks for the comment.
    #17 Eightball, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  18. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello, was checking this map out earlier. It looks well made and I liked how the rocks were tied into map and different areas. Also like the custom fx for infection. Has a nice simple lay out and I look forward to having a few custom games when I can. Nice work
  19. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think either name would have been fine, but I am glad you are happy with Mirage. I sort of agree on the spiker, though I do fear its power. It seems extremely easy to get DMR'd to death before you can get within good range of them with the spiker, but hey, I played about twice and was pretty tired both times. Great map, I need to play more on here again. You should to some post-testing games; you know, just keep bringing it up every once in awhile instead of shoving it back when you get a new map going.
  20. Neil

    Neil Forerunner

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    from the pictures, this map looks pretty good man. IMO, looks more creative than elysium. Really diggin those little rock gardens you have throughout, and how you used the large braces as railings. Ill give it a dl and get back to you

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