NEW GAMEMODE LINK ----> Hello. This is a map called Crossroads. It is a fun infection mode for small parties of 4-8ish players. The map works like this. Humans spawn in the middle of this death trap behind a sheild door barrier. If they leave the shield door barrier, they are instantly killed. The infected start in the mongoose dock, far away in a distant land. The infected drive a mongoose through the teleporter, and the point of the map becomes clear. The infected zombie mongoose train of impending death barrels down the hill toward the humans. Because the mongoose is a vehicle, they won't be affected by the teleporter trap of the sheild doors. The zombie strikes... and it keeps going to the teleporter at the end of the path. Then they are teleported to the top again. Only this time... That's it. Humans have fun trying to survive the zombie road rage! Thnx for lookin'.
This looks pretty cool. kinda like jump rope with a different set up. I cant wait to see how it plays.
is it one-way shields in the middle? It looks like normal shield doors, if that's the case, everyone can just go outside the middle area thingy and survive pretty easily
He said there are teleporters which kill the humans, the shield doors only serve as a warning, though most people would just try and leave and get killed, you might want to make it so the teleporters just send you back inside the trap. Killing them is a bit harsh...
When you dive through the initial teleporter, is is set to one channel so that mongeese (mongi?) go to random ramps, or do you stick to one ramp at all times?
Sounds like a cool idea. But what did you do to prevent the zombies from stopping and getting out of their vehicle to kill the remaining humans?