Sup everybody. I'm hoping you've already heard about cluckinho10's minigame cloneball. If not, and this preview interests you, here's a link to it: Now to the new game. This map is very similar to the original cloneball. Cluck and I made it a mission to keep the same type of fun from the original, while adding a new twist. We got some suggestions on how to change up the game and we decided to make a multi team variant. Each team has their own little area with three doors and three goals with tripmines in them. Your goal is to shoot your hologram out of any of the doors towards a goal in another team's base while trying to fend off any holograms that the other three teams might be sending your way. We have already gotten one game on this, but we can never do enough testing. if you would like to help, shoot me a pm or a message on my GT
I was really struggling to think of a way to make this multi-team friendly without players accidentally scoring a point for another team, the way you resolved this problem is pure genius. Nicely done. I'll give it a download when its released to add to my cloneball collection. If I may ask, what are the cannons for? Do they just make the holograms harder to hit?
The man cannons are there to speed up the holograms because they would dissapear without the increased speed. They also add some craziness to make the game a but more fun.
I suggested this in his thread, and i'm glad i came to life, Minigames like this funks things up. Good work, although i'd like a list of the traits.
Well this is just a map preview, so we aren't going to post traits already. If you want more details about the map, you could message either me or cluckinho10 about getting you into a testing sessionand actually gettin to play the game
I have one warning, I dont know how you plan on making it so your holograms can score points, I have tried a similar game but with grenades
The way our scoring works is that the hologram blows up a trip mine which sends a golf ball behind it into a scoring zone. If you wanted to make a grenade game like this you could just have the grenade move a golf ball. On second thought, you might want to have the grenade blow up a trip mine to create a more reliable explosion
Awesome! one of the variants I had hoped for coming out of cloneball. I'd love to test it, send me a PM whenever you guys are testing this.