BRAINESCAPE 3.0 By Khozi My fellow Braincells, I introduce you to the ultimate puzzle/obstacle map, REDZ BRAINESCAPE 3.0! In comparison to the other BRAINESCAPES, 3.0 contains ALL NEW 6, not 4, but 6 LEVELS! I am sorry to announce that this will be my last puzzle map series because I don't have anymore room in my fileshare. Sad ain't it? On the bright side, here are the previews for my map. NOTE: As with any other puzzle maps with a checkpoint system, host migration WILL restart your progress. Please avoid it by selecting your party option on INVITE ONLY. This map is designed for Spartan brains only. Players will start at The Bridge with nothing but an energy sword and a brain. Through the bridge are traps that take you through levels of puzzles. You must lock up all the traps to cross to the other side. The Bridge You will have to lock up the 6 LEVELS in order to reach the LIGHT OF REDZ. Original Thread: BRAINESCAPE 2.0 This is the 2nd REDZ BRAINESCAPE I have made. I have made this map in the same structure as the first. This map is an Obstacle/Puzzle map. It is NOT open spaced. There is no glitching to solve puzzles. I have made my maps simple yet challenging. You can bring many of your friends to share the experience. It contains 4 LEVELS with Checkpoints in each level. Remove the Fusion Coil blocking teleporters to unlock the Level. WARNING: In some cases, Host Switching can restart things such as the RESPAWNING of fusion coils. Please check your checkpoints if this happens or you WILL restart ALL the way to the beginning if the fusion coils block the checkpoints. The Checkpoints LEVEL 1 Original Thread: BRAINESCAPE 1.0 This is the FIRST REDZ BRAINESCAPE I have made. It combines puzzles and obstacles into 4 levels. Each level has a checkpoint so that you will never have to restart ALL OVER if you fail. LEVEL 1 Original Thread: DOWNLOAD THE TRILOGY Brainescape 3.0 Map : Halo Reach : File Details Brainescape 3.0 Gametype Brainescape 2.2 Map Brainescape 2.2 Gametype : Halo Reach : File Details Brainescape 1.0 Map Brainescape 1.0 Gametype I only accept friend requests to people with skill, not for customs. But I will reply to messages regarding my puzzle maps.
HAHA Was wondering when these maps would get on here, played them a long time ago and thought they were awsome. My friend didn't, he rage quited half way through from bieng too confused LOL but I stayed and beat it . Are you making any more? You could do some awsome things with the haloball gametypes since you basically get unlimited golf balls with no budget cost. EDIT: *Reads post* Sad face
more puzzle maps? of course im making a new one. my latest one is called "Relic Plunder" which has a trailer and a walkthrough. and all my maps have been posted in this website a long time ago. im focusing on architectural design as well as a system of possible checkpoints and challenges that cant be broken by any form of cheat or shortcut. but those things are hard to accomplish but i know i can do it. it will take some time and patience and careful planning.