Boom Shakalaka (Guardian Spinoff)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by JayHalo, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. JayHalo

    JayHalo Forerunner

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    Hi everyone. This a map I made that is meant to be my variant of Guardian, one of my favorite Halo 3 maps. The basic layout is similar and the gameplay is similar. However, I've changed it up a bit, as well as adding some other power weapons (laser to rival sniper, and rockets to reward weapon control or enable teams to turn the tide).

    Please let me know what you think. And if people enjoy it or want to play on it, feel free to friend me (Setrof) and I'd love to play as well. It's often times difficult to get enough of my friends to all be on and it makes it difficult for me to assess what I've made.

    Here are some pictures:

    Sniper tower (sniper located at the top):


    Behind the sniper tower:


    Bottom (hammer in center):


    Bottom rock area: can launch up to top middle (where rockets are located) or across to the other base (like you could in Guardian). Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of the base opposite sniper tower. However, it's very similar to the 2 level structure of Guardian's "gold' base.




    Shotgun down the lower hall. You can also jump to second level using rock to the left (or the lift).


    Laser in room above shotgun:




    Concussion Rifle:


    Lift to sniper base:


    Also to note: I originally did not know whether or not to put soft kill zones on rooftops (they are inacccessible without jetpack and I don't like playing with all the AAs). I decided to do it to remove that dynamic from the map.

    #1 JayHalo, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  2. Dino

    Dino Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I really like the idea of changing up the Guardian map, and from what I see it looks well forged. But the idea of the jetpack-ers being the only ones able to get to great sniper locations seem a little unfair to me. Maybe make either a straightforward ramp or some little ledges to jump up and down from. Either way, that needs to be fixed. Maybe just make the roofs inaccessible all together to prevent camping and maybe even spawn killing? I don't know, sir, this is your map and I am just giving out suggestions.
  3. JayHalo

    JayHalo Forerunner

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    Thanks for the reply. As I mentioned, I knew that would be an issue. I just wasn't sure what people would rather me do. I don't really like jetpackers and armor abilities at all. So, to me, I'd rather make it all soft kill boundaries and then eliminate thinking about the added dynamic of rooftops.

    Do you think that would be best? It's what I am tempted to do. Unless I get people thinking it'd be neat to enable rooftops (easy enough to allow people to jump up and access them.
    #3 JayHalo, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  4. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    More discriptive pictures would be nice. More pictures in general.
  5. JayHalo

    JayHalo Forerunner

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    I've added a bunch more pictures.

    And to other poster: I appreciate the reply regarding the jetpack advantage. As a result, I've decided to make everything have soft kill boundaries, it just simplifies the gameplay (for the better IMO).

    I hope people enjoy the map. Again, I'm always looking to take a break from matchmaking and play some custom (and would love to test this level out more). So, hopefully I can become a part of this community and get my maps tested as well as test the maps of others. So friend me. It's hard to find people who play custom that aren't a bunch of 13 year olds who just want to play infection nonstop. And just as difficult to get enough of my RL friends and friends of friends to get on at the same time and play some custom games.

    Anyway, I digress. Hopefully you'll enjoy this map. Also, check out the map my friend and I made called "Castlevania" I've made a post on that one also (but did not do it justice as I really didn't put enough pictures up).
  6. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    Very nice remake, could do with a bit of aesthetics work though, for example at the needler spawn the "tunnel" roof and walls don't seem to go well with the bridge, and this would be clearly visible from certain angles, simply replacing it with flat building blocks should fix the issue, I also couldn't help but notice that the rocks in some places seem to clash with the bridges, I suggest building the floor out of "tin cups" in these areas to get a more natural feel. I think if you just went back over the map and redesigned the aesthetics while keeping the structure more or less the same it would be great. If you choose to improve this mmap then I advise you improve it based on advice from here then before reposting it post it into the testers guild and wait for professional feedback. In my opinion, the aesthetics are the only thing holding the map back (as well as a few jetpack spots easily fixed with soft kill zones) from reaching its full potentiol. Don't give up!

    Also as a side note, why is the map called...what its called? It would probably be better if it was just called "guardian".
    #6 james 24993, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  7. JayHalo

    JayHalo Forerunner

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    ^I would love to make some of those aesthetic changes. I am not sure what you mean by the tin cup thing. However, I cannot use any more building blocks as I exhausted the maximum. I wish they wouldn't do that with something as essential as building blocks. Any advice on how to make these corrections if I'm out of building blocks? Is there any way to access more?

    edit* and the name... well, it's not exactly Guardian, so wouldn't call it the same thing. However, the name was just random and funny. I thought it was catchy so didn't bother changing it. I guess I could ultimately.
    #7 JayHalo, Aug 3, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2011

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