[size=+3]This is my thread on the FINAL battle between pokemon, digimon, yu-gi-oh[/size] and bakugan. (Wtf) "This is a serious thread just because i posted this comment" [size=+2]Since I have way too much time on my hands re watched the first season of Pokemon, Digimon, and some of Yu-Gi-Oh (mostly the Abridged)... I forgot to mention Bakugan but i refuse to watch it. I have come on to the conclusion that as a child, Digimon had the best show out of all of them and i was naive as a child to think Pokemon was or is better but I want to know if the public agrees.[/size] [size=+1]Here are my arguments to as why...[/size] Now with pictures and video!!! [size=+2]Digimon[/size] [size=+1]Reasons...[/size] Spoiler ~ Digimon takes place in the real world/internet. ~ The kids CAN DIE. ~ 8 kids total (spoiler). ~ The monsters can talk. ~ Dna digivolve. ~ Crazy good storyline. ~ They save the world. ~ They fuse with there creatures. ~ The Digimon dedigivolve. ~ Having Digimon that have to be evil and some that have to be good. ~ The bad guys are crazy bad. (in order... demon, monkey?, vampire, jester, antimatter) ~ "Hey Digimon" BEST SONG EVAH! ~ They look sick! [size=+1]1st Episode....[/size] Spoiler Digimon - Season 1 - Episode 1 - And So It Begins‏ - YouTube Digimon The Movie Soundtrack- Hey Digimon - Paul Gordon‏ - YouTube [size=+2]Pokemon[/size] [size=+1]Reasons...[/size] Spoiler ~ I admit they have a cool theme song "I wanna be the very best". ~ Some monsters cute some cool monsters but some g*y. ~ What parents allow 10 year old to fight monsters? ~ Shocked, falling from crazy heights, and being burned doesn't kill you? ~ The monsters don't die? ~ Games have decent game-play (Pokemon snap love it!) ~ Evil people Team rocket?!?!? ~ They say their name? ~ They can only evolve? ~ An egg mysteriously appeared? ~ Does anyone die? ~ Go take your 8 badges somewhere else? Useless much? ~ Goal in life? Catch them all? Then what? [size=+1]1st Episode....[/size] Spoiler Pokemon Episode 1:I Choose You Part 1‏ - YouTube [size=+2]Yu-Gi-Oh[/size] [size=+1]Reasons...[/size] Spoiler ~ Believe in the cards? ~ Tv show card game really? ~ The card game is a rip off but it is better than Pokemon's and Digimon's (yea Digimon had a card game.) ~ Video games suck. ~ They only have some cool monsters that's about it enough said. Uploaded with ImageShack.us [size=+1]1st Episode....[/size] Spoiler I gave up looking up for the first video on youtube..... stupid 4Kids Entertainment Yugioh Abridged Episode 1‏ - YouTube [size=+2]BAKUGAN IS A JOKE[/size] Video! Spoiler RickRoll'D‏ - YouTube GTFO
Pokemon has gotta win it all. It was the first, the original, the best games and personally i think the better tv series. People can say whatever they like about digimon, but it crashed and burned very quickly for a reason.
Digimon. I agreed with you before and I still will. Pokemon has the best games, Yugioh had the best card game, and Digimon has the best show.
I watched a fair bit of Pokĕmon and play a lot of there games except Pokĕmon cards. Maybe watched one digimon show and never any games. Watched all of the early Yu-Gi-Oh and wasted a lot of money on cards. Wtf is backagoon. I can't decide between Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokĕmon. So I'm voting for Sponge Bob it's still funny today!
Pokémon > Digimon > Yu-Gi-Oh > Every new show on Cartoon Network > Bakugon(?) __^Only Slightly^________________________________________________________
Spongebob sucks ass. Also, can't decide between pokemon and digimon. Pokemon didn't really go to **** too fast, Yugioh went to **** after the first season, and Digimon went to **** towards the end anyway. They all had great first seasons.
Personally i think all of those shows are kind of lame. I used to be into pokemon and yugioh but than it started getting retarded.
Pokemon by far. Bakugan is all, field open! Roll a ball! Place a card down! Yell! Place a Card down! It's like there is no strategy to it AT ALL.
Pokemon is by far the best. I used to always watch the shows and movies and I still love to play the games. I'm even kind of mad that I never see pokemon on tv anymore. I would watch it in a heart beat if I knew it was on. As for YU-GI-OH, I loved to watch that show too. I even collected a **** load of cards but it did get old really fast. The games sucked too. Bakugan SUCKS!!!!!! Digimon SUCKS!!!!!!! Spongbob is uber funny but very childish, and I think he might be gay with Patrick...lol. So enough said.... Pokemon outranks the shows and/or games by a huge amount.
The first couple of seasons of Pokemon were pretty cool, but I really do think it went to the shits in the later seasons. The video games itself are amazing but I haven't yet played anything past Gen III, but it looks pretty silly now. Digimon..... That is a word I haven't heard in a long time. I don't remember much about it, but from what I remember, it was one of the best shows ever. I also remember it being pretty emotional at times and action-packed. I have yet to play any Digimon games, so I can't speak for them. Pokemon - has a prominent video game, and an okay show. Digimon - has an awesome show, idkm about their show. Beyblades - shitty show, amusing game Bakugam - sucks arse
I tried to re-watch the original Digimon, I couldn't finish it after I realized that it's the same cookie-cutter layout every 10-11 episodes.
I'll agree it is kinda repeating pinok... but after they "trust" each other, and learn of the next kid... It's crazy.
NO! The 1st Pokemon show has been removed due to copyright claim. Seriously though, I've always hated Digimon and Bakugon. Yu-Gi-Oh was great until they brought robots and **** into the mix. But Pokemon will always be my favorite-games and movies both.
I think I was the only pokemon deprived kid in the world. I remember buying digimon cards... so I'll vote digimon wup wupp