Voting And the Nominations are... Bioshock Phantom Cubeskew 2: Skewed Harder Battleships Neuron II Act 1: Pillar Trials [REDUX] Voting ends Friday, August 5th! Also, the last batch of "winners" was explained in the article. Please read the article before jumping to conclusions that voting is pointless...
Truly stands between Bioshock and Cubeskrew 2 for me. The first is an excellent map and the second blew my mind again, just like the first!
I really liked battleships so I have to vote for that. Truly it deserves forge hub favorites more than me.
I like the idea dehind battleships and the other maps were orriginal to themselves but i think Bioshock has to win it for me
Another hard one. I'd like to see bioshock win a FHF, but then there's Neuron, Phantom, and Battleships. I just don't know.
All are worthy contenders, but I too have to vote for Bioshock. I can't pass up a vote on great flow, great design and great aesthetics.
cubeskew. I've really got a lot of respect for that map. I'm not sure why others don't see the incredible thought that went into it.
Looks like it's going to be a close one this week! But I had to go with Pillar Trials, it looks too damn good, especially for a puzzle map. And the fact that it doesn't use any cheap hidden items definitely warrants it some recognition. But best wishes to Bioshock, too.
teehee, this is going to be a good one!. im glad to see your map in here Sugar, your an underrated forger with great ideas and techniques. Battleships is also a great map.. so many good choices this round!
i sure did.. it needs all the help it can get.. because as soon as people see a map made by the staff, expect it to be FHF'd and featured (even if its not that good, not saying any aren't good) just saying
right... that was incredibly ignorant of you to say. Only 2 out of the last 12 FHF winners have been staff. Stevo in the last one and Rorak almost 2 months ago. Please come out with some type of evidence before laying down such a heavy accusation. Nibs merely suggested how self absorbed you are being by a) voting for yourself and b) asking all of your forge buddies to nominate the map for you. Let the community decide who wins, not your friends.
i know that, i was just saying. as soon as you see 1 nomination for a staff memebers map, you know its going to make it.. so its good to see a regular member's map compete with it. and the only reason i went off on nibs was because he obviously has a problem me. and i only got 3 nominations from people that i knew.(off topic, what ever happened to caption contests and "best of forge"?)
Black Theorems map was nominated like 3 fhf's in a row and he didn't win any of them. Once again you're not providing any evidence of such an instance. Also, you fail to notice that the only staff map in this voting is Battleships. Neither Nibs or I have voted for it.
you know my last comment was meant to end the argument. right? but i'll continue. FHF like 4-12 had staff maps in them (NOT 100% OF THOSE, but most, you can check each one of them to prove that 1 or 2 didnt have a staff's map if that gets you wet.) and i didnt fail to notice that yours and nibs map was the only staff nom this round, im not an idiot. And does not voting for your own map make you better than me? and whats wrong with asking your friends for support? don't all forgers on this site want to see their map get noticed?. getting into FHF its a great way to do that. i dont care if i dotn get the most votes, i just want more people to be able to see map map. please tell me what is wrong with that?..
I have to vote Neuron II. Mostly because its aestheticly pleasing, and it has a steady flow when in multiplayer. Its my choice of map when it comes down to this
I'm sorry marcass, but you got to understand that even though the staff has a featured map on the nominations list does not mean they are attempting to take the glory for their own. They have made great maps before and deserve credit. I just feel sorrow for those who make great maps and are never noticed, you're noticed greatly marcass by mutliple numbers of friends or newcomers. I am not choosing against you but I personally feel that everyone should vote for the map they think is truly a excellent map and I believe Battleships deserves that position based on the map not because it is a staff member, which is a ridiculous thing to consider against somebody.