Shadowland There's no planning in shadow, shadowland. - Shadowland - Youth Group Map Download: Shadowland Gametype: This map is set up to be used with all gametypes. All objectives have been placed and tested. There are no special gametypes needed. Overview: This image is an overview of the map. The accessible area if highlighted in red. Everything else is blocked off. / Description: The inspiration for Shadowland came when I was trying to overload Blackout. I was throwing the trip mines into an area where the lighting system caused them to turn completely black and I thought "Huh. Land of the shadows, lulz." I completely forgot about that soon after, seeing as it wasn't too important. Later, I was listening to Youth Group and the song 'Shadowland' started playing. I was reminded of the trip mines and I though "Hm, let's map it up on B to the Lack to the O to the Ut." So, I started Forging and here we are. Weapons Contained: 1 Sniper Rifle, 1 Battle Rifle, 1 Carbine, 1 Brute Shot, 3 Plasma Pistols, 1 SMG, 1 Spiker, 1 Plasma Rifle, 1 Sentinel Beam, 1 Shotgun, 2 Needlers, Multiple Frag Grenades, Multiple Plasma Grenades, 1 Trip Mine, 1 Regenerator. This is the aptly named 'Box Tower'. It is where the BR Tower would be on the default Blackout. This is the elbow of the walkway down from the 'Box Tower' to the central 'Crate Room'. In this picture, the player is coming down the walkway from 'Box Tower' and entering into the 'Crate Room'. The next three images show the Cratefall System at use. 1. The player uses any number of ways to destroy the crates. 2. The player then drops down the newly created hole into the 'Lift Room.' 3. If the player so chooses, they can snag the gravity lift, which is right near where they fall, to get back up into the 'Crate Room'. Alternatively, they can use the other two exits to leave the 'Lift Room'. The player can also exit the 'Lift Room' by going onto the mancannon that is right outside the door opposite the 'Cratefall Hole'. This mancannon uses a not-so-special-yet-very-cool technique (See if you can figure it out.) to transport the player through time and space into the 'Shotgun Niche' which is inside the 'Pallet Room'. (The mancannon works 98% of the time. Out of the 10+ people I have played with over the day, only 1 experienced a glitch that is not fixable which allowed him to get out of the map. And I'm serious, this glitch is not fixable.) The 'Shotgun Niche'. An overview of the 'Pallet Room'. The 'Pinball Hallway' is one of the two exits from the 'Pallet Room'. In this image, the player is heading INTO the 'Pallet Room'. There is a shield door on one side of the 'Pinball Hallway' to protect the user. A trip mine spawns in the hallway. This area is the 'Barreljump Elbow'. This is the elbow that connects the 'Crate Room' to the 'Pinball Hallway'. I wonder what is up there in the 'Blue Box'? Well, now we can see what is up in the 'Blue Box' - Two teleporters in the shape of a plus sign which transport the player to the 'Sentinel Room'. The box is camp-proofed. If someone is trying to camp up there with the shotgun or something, the player below must simply angle themselves well and throw a grenade or two at the energy door and the grenade will kill/damage the camper. The teleporters in the 'Blue Box' take the player here, to the 'Sentinel Room'. The only exit from the 'Sentinel Room', besides jumping into the abyss below, is the walkway below, which takes you into the 'Lift Room'. This walkway can also be used as an exit from the 'Lift Room'.
hey this was fun testing.... i really loved the mancannon hall tht was sick. Id say KoTH was funnest, infection not as much... o yea nd... FIRST POST BITCHESSZZzzzz!!! lol... u used no pics of me? i had some awesome sticks nd stuff... nd me nd Iron kept beating each other down everytime we u got there lol
Lol, the infection wasn't fun because we had three people (Iron Tusk, you, and I) and I didn't change any of the default Infection settings. And I didn't use any pictures from our games because I had to get off the XBOX quickly.
this looks very fun man. that pinball hallway looks sick. also thats a good idea to stop camping by putting shield doors in that blue box.
Yeah, the Pinball Hallway is pretty fun to go through I think I have it set to not spawn until 90 seconds though, so you'll have to wait before you can try it. (I might've set it to spawn instantly, I don't remember. Doesn't matter either way though.) I suggest throwing a few grenades in there and watching what they do And the shield doors aren't REALLY needed, but they make it look more like a blue box
Lol i like the pinball hallway, it looks like fun, and also the box elevator system one more thing is your picture at the top, nice idea, kinda like a really complicated figure 8. good mapfor the most part and nice interlocking 5/5
Thanks I had a little trouble with interlocking on the walkway from the Box Tower to the Crate Room, but you can't see it because the boxes are pitch black.
looks very well done and i dont think the sniper is necessary maybe replace with carbine (or a BR if there isnt one) or maybe Magnum or Spiker anyways great map 5/5+dl