UPDATES: I put a third level around the map (where needed) so it is harder to get out. I moved the Plasma Pistol under the 'Sniper Tower.' Pic 1: I replaced the first dumpster with a door and flipped the dumpster in the back so it is vertical. I removed the A sign on the bottom floor. I removed the 2 doors along the catwalks. I removed the B sign from the top of 'Sniper Tower.' Pic 2: I replaced the dumpsters (the back ones) with doors. I removed the small barrier in the small side room with a door. Pic 7: I removed the crate and interlocked a window panel with the double box. Also tomorrow I will be playtesting the map so if anyone wants to join in I might need 2. Add me Just as Mad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First off I would like to say that I would rather you actually play the map in a 1v1 or a 2v2 before you rate it in the Poll. I don't want it to be based on the looks of the map. I made this map a long time ago but I looked at it recently and I think a lot of people would like it. I based most of it off of Halo 2's map Ivory Tower. It is a small map so I would recommend 2 players although a 4 player game might not be that bad. I need help with how to do the spawns because they tend to 'mess up' quite a bit. My GT is Just as Mad if interested. I also added a man cannon that is floating above the rocket spawn and it shoots the rocket down so you can actually hear it spawn. Weapons: Sniper Rifle (150 sec. spawn) Rocket Launcher (180 sec. man cannon drop spawn) Carbines (10 sec. spawn) Battle Rifles (10 sec. spawn) Mauler (90 sec. spawn) Plasma Pistol ( 90 sec. spawn) Now on with the pics: Overview of 'Sniper Tower' Overview of Rocket Spawn Mauler View of the lift and OS Sniper spawn OS Staircase Under Sniper spawn Curved corner Download the updated Destination And please tell me if anything is wrong (I made this with MLG in mind so in MLG rules getting out of the map is illegal). I will also update the pics tomorrow and throw in some action shots (thanks for the tip).
this doesn't look like a traditional MLG maps, because of the objects used, also most MLG maps are 4v4. but we shall see how this one works out, because it looks promising.
I can't believe this is your first map posted. It looks great, clean interlocking, good use of merging, it is all here. And you are embedding pictures too, always welcomed.
I just made the weapon set MLG weapons. And thanks for the comments. I think tomorrow I am going to try to get rid of objects I don't need and make it so it is impossible to get out of the map. I am also going to try to redo my spawns. And Brute Captain, I always like to do things right the first time around so thanks. I also read somewhere that you need it to be the title of your map, is my title okay?
Replace the OS with a custom power up and you can call this an MLG map, a pretty good one at that (from what I can tell).
That was also one of the things I was going to change. I just switched it yesterday to see how it played and forgot to switch it out. I really don't like the customn OS because if ur low shields you don't gain any of it so I will make a regular version also. How do you make a named hyperlink?
Oh dude, yeah for your title it just needs to be your map's name, not anything like a "1v1 based map", but other than that everything is great.
brute always speaks for me it seems, lol. This is pretty much what i wanted to say, except i would like to let you know (sorry if already mentioned, didn't read the entire thread), most people don't like pics in forge, try action shots in custom games, it brings life to the map. Also, the merging looks well done, and the interlocking looks like it was done it some really necessary areas, good job
I was expecting this to look awful, but you have surprised me, looks really good. Nice Idea with the rocket spawn.
Wow this map is great. The interlocking is fantastic and the rocket idea is phenomenal. Ivroy was one of my favorite H2 maps and this is a really good representation of its gameplay. Congratulations on a well made map.