Does anyone know why my map's name won't save? Like, it saves whenever I'm looking at my maps altogether but as soon as I select it and/or put it on my fileshare it just says the map is named Forge World.
It's only a temporary name until I can think of(or are suggested) a better one but I save it as Long Cave. Also, apparently my map description is inappropriate so I'm having difficulty with that as well. Any help would be appreciated.
Do you have any cursing in your description? Anything that is remotely close to a curse word usually doesn't let you save.
Nope, this is almost exactly what was in the description "The endless vehicles make the 2 SpLasers useful. BTB map for TS, CTF, & Assault". Although now that I think about it it's probably the first 3 letters of Assault that cause it to label it inappropriate, right? If so, that's incredibly dumb because I believe I've seen other descriptions with Assault in it.
Yeah you have to be really carefull what you save it as, words I've had blocked include: Basement Balls (as in golf balls not the...other kind) Suicide Assault (A gametype, WTF) Others I can't think of ATM. In short, I wouldn't be suprised if you save your map as "rainbows and butterflies" and it got blocked. You just have to try different things untill bungie think your map name is friendly enough for a 2 year old. Also, if it won't let you change the name IN forge, try selecting the map OUT of forge and going to save as. Then save it as something else. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Assault is blocked, there's your problem.
Wait, so you save the map in Forge, and it uses the proper name in menus, but when you load it in a lobby, the lobby says "FORGE WORLD"? That's a database glitch. Halo: Reach did not save your map properly. Create several backup copies of it, expect to lose the original, and recheck your other maps to make sure that they were not overwritten by the glitch map.
Are you serious? How long does it take before it erases itself or whatever? Because I've had the map since about April, IIRC.
Dunno. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. (The worst part about Reach's hard drive file management isn't that it's dreadful, it's that it's inconsistently dreadful.) Create copies of the file while you're able to, and you should be fine.