Stargate SGC: Invasion

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by H2O Mercury, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. H2O Mercury

    H2O Mercury Forerunner

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    This is an invasion map based on the Stargate: Sg1 television series. The map uses the invasion game mode to pit alien invaders coming through the gate against the human defenders of the Stargate Command.

    This is a 3 staget invasion map which requires a custom game mode for intended play. The game progression should be as following:
    Capture Hill -> Assault -> Steal the Core

    The first phase of this map takes place on an offworld site, the objective of the human defenders here is to stop the attackers capturing the hill ( a DHD or dial home device) which will allow access through the teleporter ( stargate ). The Stargate has a turret and a sniper rifle spawn for defence with the attackers being given a plasma launcher and some additional ranged weapons.


    Second Section of the map sees the defenders attempting to hold the Stargate within the SGC, the teleporter is one way so only attackers can come through. A turret and some barricades overlook the Stargate.


    Make it out of the gate room, past the dialling room and up the corridor you will find the meeting room which overlooks the gate room and the bomb plant location for the assault phase. The walls blocking the tunnel at the plant location are gated objects which will be removed for the next phase.


    Here is the plant location (note: gated obejcts removed to reveal open blast doors):


    The fight then leads through the security room, up the evelvators, into the motor pool and to the exterior of the mountain complex. The goal of the attackers here is to capture the core being held by the defenders, both teams have access to vehicles and jetpacks for this phase. The defenders have at their disposal a rocket launcher for dealing with the enemy hogs and a rocket warthog.


    If the attackers succeed in grabbing the core their final objective is to escort it back to the gate room winning the round.

    Here are a few more pictures for you to get a better feel for the map:

    Dialling room:

    Security room leading to elevators:

    Motor Pool:

    Many thanks to PMS WildFire who helped to check for accuracy according to the television show and also to MyBoring Life who helped me with the spawning and finnishing touches.

    Any feedback or suggestion to improve this map in terms of aesthetics or gameplay would be much appreciated.
    #1 H2O Mercury, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2011
  2. Ignore the above statement, but for help on posting screenshots, use the link shown above.
    #2 Insane_Crysis, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2011
  3. H2O Mercury

    H2O Mercury Forerunner

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    Was writing the description map is all done, just have problems with connection timeout whilst writing long descriptions for the map info. My apologies
  4. Khozi

    Khozi Forerunner

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    wow i really like your work trying to copy the show. im designing my puzzle map in somewhat the same concept as yours with portals and a control room. im going to download this map because i see some good architectural design here.
  5. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    Looks pretty good from the screenshots man. I'm always on the lookout for good and unique invasion maps and this one seems to fit the mold. My only concern is that the stargates might be easily camped. I'll have to try this one out though to find out.
  6. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    This looks like a very unique and interesting map. I myself only have seen a couple of STG episodes, but at least I know what you are going for. My only concern with this design would be the fact that these portals are the only way to the next point, therefore, you have created a massive choke point that could be easily camped. Yet I have not played this map yet, so we shall see how it goes.
  7. H2O Mercury

    H2O Mercury Forerunner

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    I am a bit concerned that someone could just sit behind the portal and assasinate people as they come through. I have limited the number of grenades each player spawns with to avoid frag fests and given the attackers evade to throw them out the portal on the other side to avoid melee. Dont know how effective this will be.

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