Spartan Base 117

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Travis The Hutt, May 15, 2008.

  1. Travis The Hutt

    Travis The Hutt Ancient
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    My newest map called Spartan Base 117 is now availiable for the masses of to download. The first map in a series of 3 that I have planned to make takes you into almost every gameplay aspect of Halo 3.


    To start, let me say that there are three full floors of the map each with its own unique strategy to be successful in.

    Corridor of Death


    The Corridor of Death as I call it has its own unique strategy in the sense that you can not simply walk through this battle field, you have to jump your way through. But the good part about making it across without dying is that there are strong weapons on either side that you can equip. There are also two gravlifts on either side so you can reach the top floor of the map.

    The Spartan Heights


    Just like the Corridor the Heights are unique in the sense that you have to try to stay on top without falling off while fighting. There are some weapon drops up here (mainly duals) and if you can find a grav lift, you can get the active camo along with a powerful weapon. You can get up here by either going on the gravlifts in the Corridor or the walkway coming from the Snipers Perch.

    Sniper Perch

    (will have screen shot soon)

    The snipers perch is the only place on the map that has a sniper rifle, and a beam rifle, and is a great spot to lay low for a second and snipe those trieing to get across the Corridor. But the map was designed so that you could not camp in the same place for long, so you might want to go to one of the other high points of the Base.

    Shotgun Row


    This area is named obviously because it is the only place in the map that has the Shotgun as well as a few other powerful weapons to kill the enemy. As you can see there is a small pit in the middle of the area, but don't worry, if you fall in a gravlift will take you right out. (It can be used as a good way to dodge enemy fire!) In the corner of the picture you see the top of a gravity hammer, there are also a few helpful gagets up here to help you.

    Weapons and Equiptment

    I am going to make all of my Spartan Base maps filled with weapons and even a vehicle or two. But for now let me tell you the kind of weapons it has.

    7 Plasma Grenades
    7 Spike Grenades
    3 Fire Grenades
    3 Bubble shields
    2 Trip Mines
    2 Grav Lifts
    1 Active Camo
    1 Assault Rifle
    3 Battle Rifle
    1 Shot Gun
    1 Sniper Rifle
    2 SMG
    2 Spiker
    1 Plasma Pistol
    2 Plasma Rifle
    2 Needler
    2 Brute Shots
    1 Rocket Launcher
    1 Energy Sword
    1 Gravity Hammer
    2 Covenant Carbine
    2 Mauler
    1 beam Rifle
    1 Sentinal Beam

    As you tell, there are many weapons to kill the enemy with, but I placed all the weapons strategically. For example, the sniper rifles on high areas and powerful weapons where they are hard to get or will there will be much competition.

    Game Types

    After playing on Spartan Base 117 for about two hours straight on all kinds of game varients, it seems the games that work the best are Slayer and Team Slayer. Capture the Flag works fairly well on the map but there are only two ways to go with flag where you be well protected.

    Download Spartan Base 117 Here

    Spartan Base Series

    Make sure to keep checking back here on for the other maps coming up in the series, Spartan Base Alpha and Spartan base Omega.
    #1 Travis The Hutt, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  2. TheKaptain

    TheKaptain Ancient
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    What's a spartan base without it's spartan lazer?
    I tried it with a few clanmates, it's pretty fun for FFA. We played with 6 people, and the "Corridor of Death" seemed to be the center of attention.
  3. Travis The Hutt

    Travis The Hutt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the truth is that I ran out of money to place a spartan laser which I would need to delete something else to bring it in. I had everything just how I wanted.
  4. ravin 14

    ravin 14 Ancient
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  5. DeathDriver86

    DeathDriver86 Ancient
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    Try a money-glitch
  6. Travis The Hutt

    Travis The Hutt Ancient
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    I did but then I realized that I was going to need to delete a bunch of stuff cause I messed up. But it fixed now =)
  7. jpatt94

    jpatt94 Ancient
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    I think this map is cool, but you really need to learn how to interlock.
  8. Travis The Hutt

    Travis The Hutt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I tried to interlock but I cant do it for SH*T
  9. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    looks alright butit doesnt have my dl sry... maybe a v2? with money glitch? you could flip the boxs to makeit look nicer and i dont se any interlocking but i understand why keep trying at it... youll get better. btw its notneeded to interlock just makes it look better sometimes.
  10. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Here's a friendly little tip from The Cheat: When, I interlock(usually done first in my map making) I use walls( to line the boxes up right) and respawn points. Place a respawn so the circle in the middle is on the edge of the box. Restart the round and move the box so it's edge is about 1/2 through the circle. And, BAM! You should have a seamless interlock that everyone will enjoy!

    -The Cheat-

    P.S: No DL because my Halo 3 is dead right now.
  11. Travis The Hutt

    Travis The Hutt Ancient
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    I am announcing to you all now! Since there is a demand for me to interlock the boxes and everything, I will be doing a V2. I will make it better in also aspects as well. But I dont know when it will be, possibly within the next 2 weeks.
  12. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    this map looks excellent, i don't see anything wrong with it. also, for those of you that keep telling him to interlock, not one of you mentioned a specific thing to interlock. all you say is interlock. first of all this map doesn't require interlocking, it looks fine without it, and second of all, think about what needs to be interlocked before you use it as criticism.
  13. Travis The Hutt

    Travis The Hutt Ancient
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    Thank you BarkusTheMan 1
  14. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    The map looks fun but what is with the barriers it seems like they would make it annoying to go through that area?
  15. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    looks great imo
  16. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    this map looks pretty good, especially for not being interlocked. I like the barrier area, looks interesting and, though it looks possibly annoying, might be fun. Tip- change title of map to only name of map. So it is just, Spartan Base 117, not, "is now complete" simply click edit, go advanced and then delete the extra parts. This way your map post looks neat and attractive. Its against the rules to add extras in title. Just fix that and its good. Otherwise, this map is really neat and well made. Great Job :]
  17. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    @ Barkus The Man 1:

    I wasn't trying to say "It needs interlocking!" or "No Interlocking? You Noob" I was just trying to give Travis some helpful and friendly advice and pointers seeing as how he said he couldn't interlock for SH*T. It is a great map, and especially one without interlocking, but many people here are picky when it comes to trying maps. Interlocking would significantly help Travis get the DLs he deserves for this map.
  18. Travis The Hutt

    Travis The Hutt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you for the positive comment THE CHEAT
  19. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    No problem, hopefully, my Halo 3 will be fixed(the disc is scratched beyond repair) by the time you release V2. Can't wait.

    -The Cheat-
  20. Travis The Hutt

    Travis The Hutt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I hope I have the V2 done, I am not the best at interlocking and will have to do it all over again. If I work on it long enough I'll get it done tomorrow. I beat the hell out of this dude in school so im suspended tomorrow and if im lucky i'll get it done. I'll keep ya updated since ya really seem to like the map.

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