Something must be wrong

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by prong23, Jul 31, 2011.

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  1. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    I don't know what the **** is wrong with Forgehub now-a-days, but no one seems to want to check out the newbee's maps anymore. No one wants to comment or give criticism anymore. I'm not trying to get EVERYONE to comment on my maps, but more than none would be helpful, even if it's to down-talk the map. I don't understand how anyone is supposed to get help with their maps if no one at least comments.

    I'm not saying that NO ONE comments, obviously I'm over-exhaggerating, I just think all the comments are unnecessarily going to the maps threads that have overzealous aesthetics.

    Just a couple thoughts as to why I'm getting more and more hesitant to post my maps anymore.

    Any thoughts?

    Here are a couple maps that I feel the people who posted them might have wanted some feedback on how they did after putting hours upon hours of work into them yet no one does:
    Extraction, Conduit, Resource
    Why don't you check them out?
    #1 prong23, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  2. Rsvi Etzudee

    Rsvi Etzudee Forerunner
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    I agree. The only thing that matters nowadays is the maps that the pros forge.

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    Dude why are you making such a big deal about nothing? It is a persons choice whether they leave a comment after viewing a map. If they don't really have something to say about it than there is no point in leaving a comment. Another thing, have some patience. It may take some time for someone to test the map and think of some good feedback for it. The maps that get all the comments are either featured maps or maps that have been tested and played over and over again. Some of my maps that I posted went to the second page in a couple hours and didn't get comments for weeks after. So don't worry you will eventually get some comments.
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I haven't gone in the map section for ages, but isn't no replies the same amount of help as "I like this, I'm going to download"?

    Replying is usually reserved for criticism, unfortunately most people don't realize that.
  5. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    Be patient and wait for comments, there are people who have to wait months, and even people who never get one single reply.

    Also most maps don't even get criticism, but rather spam like "oo luks good i wil download it l8tr".
  6. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    I don't know why this is, but I posted a map in competitive, it took hours to get a reply when I asked for feedback.

    I posted a map in the testers guild, I got about 5 feedback replies within an hour without even asking. A moderater had to tell people to stop commenting in the TG.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    This isn't something that's wrong with Forge Hub "nowadays." It's always been wrong. People are much more likely to comment on maps that have flashy aesthetics, that were made by the cool kids, or that were made by their buddies. You just have to live with it because it isn't gonna change.
  8. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    ^ Agreed.

    The maps that get the most attention are those created by those who are popular around the site, even if the map isn't deserving. There really is no way to combat it aside from getting well known yourself. You can always try to make the post look absolutely amazing, and that helps to a certain degree, but there's only so much you can do.

    Sure, I could say "Be patient", but the fact of the matter is, if it doesn't have a post by the time it leaves the front page (and the first page of the map's subcategory), it probably won't get comments.
  9. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    The unfortunate truth. It also doesn't help that people don't have the time or attention span to look at every map on the site, so they only really take the time to look at their friends' maps and suck up to popular members' maps, as Nutduster said. Actually, I rarely head into the map section, similar to Blades here, and when I do it's usually for a simple download on a map I've been testing/reviewing/stumbled upon in a lobby.

    I'm sorry, I just don't have the time to check out and comment on everyone's maps.
  10. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    I don't comment on a map unless Ihave something they can improve on, I feel its useless telling somebody "that looks good, keep it".

    So look at it this way, if you have no comments, people have nothing to complain about :D

    And as for aesthetics, I have to say I'm the same, I'd much rather play on a map that looks good, and also maps that look good generally play well, the same can't be said vice-versa. I usually spend a good 5 hours altogether focussing on aesthetics once the geberal structure is out of the way, lining things up, decoration, lights etc.
  11. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Have you guys not noticed that colored members maps get bumped off the front page just as fast as the new members maps do? Most maps that become popular or are posted by colored members are often comprised of 90% spammy comments that don't help the creator anyways.

    Your best bet to at least get these types of comments is to get your map shown off as much as possible, whether it be through TGIF's or the TG/RH. Join other peoples parties as much as possible and see if you get your map thrown into the rotation. When it all comes down to it, people are going to comment if they like what they see. If your not supplying the viewers with the visual eye candy, they might not even click on your thread to begin with.
  12. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's actually none of what you say.

    People are most likely to comment on maps that are either A) poorly made and have obvious mistakes that can be pointed out when viewing the pictures or B) the map isn't up to standards in the map database.

    For those maps that don't have flaws easily visible and the maps that are up to standards, the players have to actually PLAY the map first. Comments are pointless if the members who posted haven't even played the map and a lot of the time when people play said maps, they simply don't have the time to return to the map's thread and write out the problems if there were any significant ones that showed up.

    On the opposite end of the stick, a lot of my maps received comments from two things:

    The first being I get my maps tested by about 40 different people throughout a period of around 4 months. So by the time I post the map, a lot of people already have something to say about the map, whether it's good or bad.
    The second being it gets nominated for FHF due to the first reason, and that gets other people playing the map.

    So, point being. Expand your own social footprint within the site and make friends with more members. Play your maps with them, and you'll get more comments and eventually, you may even end up in FHF or even better and have a map feature.
  13. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    My disagreement is that I believe that comments like "I like this" or "This is fantastic" give more incentive to continue forging. They're like forge-self-esteem boosters. Comments that are constructive are valued more so than the so-called "spam" comments, because they help. But the "spam" comments are the comments that allow people to believe that what they're creating is actually being reviewed, even if it is a first glance evaluation.

    Personally, I appreciate ALL comments and place them all on the highest of pedestals.

    Maybe a suggestion then. To possibly avoid spam comments, why not add a "like" button like there is on facebook? Come to think of it, I think that could, and would, fix spam messages. Obviously it wouldn't fix it entirely and, again, obviously Forgehub wouldn't make it a "like" button, but why not a "I'd play on that" button or a "I'd kill my friends on this map" button? (only members should be able to press the button, Bee Tee Dubs)

    Another suggestion. I feel that if colored members commented on random new member's or lesser known member's maps, then it would give more incentive to the junior members to comment as well.

    As for thread aesthetics, not everyone has the option of photoshopping them, like myself. Hence why I don't get downloads/reviews/comments/"spam" (or now "I'd kill my friends on this map"s).

    I'm not making a "big deal" about this and I don't think that any of your opinions are wrong. I just think it's become too noticeable to ignore. I've had maps posted on Forgehub that have hit their two-year anniversary recently that have few to no comments on them, yet you don't see me complaining... though this is a slight complaint :) ... I did this for ALL the people who have maps, GOOD maps, that don't get recognized, all because they don't have a flashy thread, or a "moderator" ranking, or because they haven't been on FHF.

    Oh and by the way, I actually think the "I'd kill my friends on this map" button would work. I'm not kidding.
  14. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    This was the point he was trying to make though. I mean yea everything you explained is true and unavoidable but as is the instance with any community, something that has fluctuated through many circles is bound to get more attention than something that just randomly pops up in the forum one day.
    My advice, is as others said, begin circulating your maps through our various resources.

    Post a map preview.
    Submit the map to the TG for testing.
    Circulate it in a few TGIF lobbies, or even your own among members of FH.
    Post the map in the forums.
    Submit the map to the RH for review.

    Yes, if you want attention you need to make yourself known.
    It's sad, but it's true and there.
    It's not a nowadays thing it's an always been thing for everything just about everywhere.
    But we offer all sorts of things that help you get there.
  15. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm going to close this, because it's leaving a platform for people to rant about their own maps getting no attention, but I want to end it on one more note.

    What do people expect us to do, even if we agree with the fact that many new, fresh faces dont get comments on their map posts? Somehow force members to leave feedback? The only way we'd have a fair system is if everyone had an open, fair playing field for anyone to choose where to post. The resources are there for anyone who wants their map threads to reach 3 or 4 pages in comments, as mentioned above. Otherwise, any attempt to get members to post on specific maps, new or otherwise, screams favoritism and even corruption.
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