Scientific Facility

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Plasma Blades, Jul 30, 2011.

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm currently making a map of a scientific facility. However, I've run out of ideas for what types of rooms there should be. At the moment, I have a lab, study chambers, a generator room, and a help desk. Anyone think that they could shoot some ideas my way?

    Oh, and one of the rooms is as long and wide as a Colosseum wall, with a height of a Colosseum wall on it's side.

    Any thoughts?

    #1 Plasma Blades, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
  2. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Test subject holding pens, and/or test floor?
  3. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    warehouse off to the side?

    garage with vehicles, delivery location?

    first aid station?
  4. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    I think it depends on whether you're going for a sci-fi science lab, or something more contemporary. Either way, it should have multiple labs of various sizes testing multiple things. For a sci-fi one, some examples could include: a particle accelerator; an FTL prototype; a large, open area for testing flying/hovering devices; a wormhole or teleportation experiment; an anti-grav chamber; it could be anything.

    If you really wanted to get into it, you could make it a multi-floor facility, with a large lobby/rotunda, a director's office behind glass (looking out into the lobby), and a series of labs. If you've ever seen Eureka, that's pretty much what I have in mind in my suggestions (though perhaps not full-scale). Might also be interesting to have a hidden, hard-to-find room, like a top-secret area (like Section 5 in Eureka).
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I already created holding pens - A test floor is a possibility, though probably not for this map design (though it can be used as a last resort).

    The entire map is enclosed, and I'm looking to create rooms that would be exclusive to some scientific facility. A first aid station is an interesting idea, but I couldn't make a whole room of it.

    Those are all pretty reasonable ideas, but it'd be hard to create something that a player would look at and say, "Hey, that's a nice particle accelerator!" Same with wormhole experiments and anti-grav chambers. I already have a small lobby and a lab - I'm mainly wondering what I should do with the massive room mentioned before.
  6. TheOlympusPrime

    TheOlympusPrime Forerunner

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    A fallout room? Aka, a panic room?
  7. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    I have a few ideas for those. For an anti-grav chamber, you could set it up so that it looks like something is suspended between two or more grav lifts or man cannons ( a crate, a vehicle, some forged aesthetic, whatever). It could even be a human test sort of thing, where the player walks onto a grav lift and just sort of "floats around" over several lifts. Something like that might work best if the grav lifts where far enough below the player that the effect was fairly gentle. Basically, anything sort of creative use of grav lifts/man cannons and/or one-way shields could demonstrate some sort of anti-gravity technology.

    For a wormhole test, you could set up two active camo powerups on opposite sides of a room (to be the wormhole openings). A pair of teleporter nodes could match each powerup, either with the nodes turned upside down (so as to hide the fact that it's a teleporter), or else turned sideways so that the teleporter effect becomes part of the wormhole visual effect (with the powerup at the tip of the teleporter beam). Then of course the effect would be that the person steps up to the wormhole opening, and traverses the wormhole to the other side of the room (could be used in conjunction with a vehicle test as well).

    For a particle accelerator, I think a cyclotron (a circular type of particle accelerator) would be best. Imagine this; you have a circular track with a large hole in the middle (sort of like a racing track going in a full circle), with each section of track made up of an upper and lower half. There would be a "channel" or gap between the upper and lower halves (it would be like if the track were made of bridge pieces, the channel would be the space left in between the rails). Lining this "inner ring" would be a bunch of fusion coils. At one end of the circle, there would be a "trigger coil" the player could shoot, which would set off a chain reaction in the coils, going in opposite directions around the circle, and meeting together on the opposite side. At that end, there could be a larger cache of explosives to represent the particle collision. There would need to be at least some opening between the two halves of each track section, so that the fusion coils aren't sealed off. Same idea could be done in a straight-line sort of accelerator. If that doesn't make sense, I'll see if I can forge up a demonstration and upload it.
  8. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Those are all great ways to execute the ideas, but I can't really fill the room I was looking for with one of those. I'll try to get a picture up of the room by days end, maybe it'll give a frame of reference to some.

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