"Serenity meets slaughter. Once known for it's tropic pools and lush waterfalls." Serenity is a departure from my previous maps in just about every way. It retains the focus on competitive gameplay, but goes about it in a completely different manner. To start, I'd just like to say that I've retained my standards as far as play testing. Though this is my first and final release here on Forge Hub, the map has been play tested for roughly one month now by dozens of players and has underwent four to five minor to major revisions. Now, on to the map. Like I stated in the intro, Serenity goes about competitiveness in a different manner than my previous series of competitive maps. The size is roughly medium, though any player can travel through it's entirety quickly if they are comfortable with it's fluidity. Different from my other maps, Serenity is multi tiered housing roughly four layers. Again, traveling from the fourth floor to the bottom is effortless with any knowledge on the map, thus making for some great set ups and even well timed assassinations. The point of Serenity is to keep everyone on the run, without being a cluster. What this means is you aren't left for dead out in the open, but instead have options to get away or peruse. This to me is what makes maps like Derelict and Lockout great, options. All of my maps, mainly Serenity, are centered around options. These are the factors that assist set ups and trickery, but do away with over control. Players are able to hold down an area during battle, but have to keep on their feet after killing as they'll easily be overtaken if a statue. Without cluttering the map (within its intended play size), players are able to trick, set up and even escape easily and stylishly if familiar with all the map has to offer. I'm going to use an example, though not in the literal form. Serenity is somewhat comparable to Lockout, not in any way how it's set up (completely different) but in the way that it takes some time to get used to. Once the player does understand the maps jumps, tricks, angles and overall set up, it becomes fluid and enables a ton of fancy high level play. It is created with high level play in mind, but goes about it in a different manner than the typical arena standard stuff. Also, from when I first posted here, a members Eightball complimented my maps (thank you) but pointed out he'd love to see aesthetically pleasing atmospheres to go along with the complexities. That stuck in my head and is admittedly one of the focal points of Serenity, to be as pleasing on the eyes as it plays. Thanks for all the support, as it continues to assist me in topping my previous endeavors. I hope you all enjoy it as much as our group of testers has. * Also, please note that the default download is for MLG properties which supports the MLG physics. The lift properties will only work correctly for MLG settings. For default physics and properties, I have included an alternate download: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details (Please recommend and rate the main one however, or both. Thanks!) Images and video explanation: Halo Reach Competitive Maps : Serenity
nice choice on using Tempest! I haven't seen too much being done with the map, but you've inpired me to keep the backround environment in mind with my next map.
to me this map looks cool very nice but i see two this i dont like on it: 1 i think there is way to many bridges on this most people hate them because it confines you in a space thats hard for you to move around in and number 2 framerate lag but, other than that the map looks great keep forging.
Only found one frame dip, I was trying to be cognisant of it too as I'm aware windows usually cause this. The one I found was looking through cover glass near the lift, which isn't really a big blunder considering there is no need for a shot there. Thanks for the input, happy you both enjoy the look of it. As for being confined, in some areas this is more than true and I respect and understand this view point. On the contrary however, the map allows you to jump from level to level in roughly 75% of it's space, so it's usually not much of an issue. I've never once been trapped, but instead either get away or trick others as has been done to me as well. Like said, it'll take some getting used to to gain the full effect. I'd post up some match videos, but I'm sure you can all get the jist of it within a few customs. I wanted to try something completely different from my other set, something that wasn't as traditional I suppose. Thanks for trying it out guys, I appreciate it. Maybe we can do some customs sometime, feel free to add.
well in that case after what you said i an see what your getting at oh and props for making a map on tempest that is quite a challenge to do. GT: neverendinghalo