This is one of my best, I call it Get Up. It's a perspective shot, it supposed to look like your on the ground after an explosion and someone is helping you up. Please tell me what you think and rate it out of 10. Here is the link
This is really cool, mostly because it actually does look like he's reaching to help you up. In this case though, the background kinda detracts from the picture, and distracts you from the subject.
i agree with t3chno, it's pretty sweet, but the bubble shield and stuff is pretty bright and kinda takes away from the main thingy. but still it's a pretty cool picture. rating...not really sure, i suck at rating stuff.
I know, thew screenshot was a complete mistake! I was horsing around and I blew my self up, then I watched it over so I could laugh at myself and then I thuoght it would make a good screenshot.=]