BRIDGE OUT is a map that started out as an idea and turned into a map ,the idea was to some how make a bridge that can explode when when ever a player wants to blow it up .and this is what the result came to, after making the idea i made a simple map to around it (witch will explain the not so great location of the map) ok now down to bizzness SUPPORTS slayer team slayer multi teams capture the flag king of the hill odd ball WEAPONS needler rifle x4 dmr x2 assault rifle x2 grenade launcher x2 shotgun x2 spartan laser x2 sniper rifle x2 spiker x2 concussion rifle x2 needler x2 plasma x4 frag x4 armor lock x2 rocket launcher x1 active camo x2 overshield x1 PICS there are 2 bases ,one red , the other is blue the bridge is indestructible from the top for optimal fighting to blow the bridge there are fusion coils placed at the corner of the bridge at each sides now the bridge is going! GOING! GONE!! please give comment on my map, i hope everyone enjoys it , if there are any bugs or anything that should be fixed please message me about it
HAHA made a tutorial vid of how to do this in my file share...Got on most recommended as well. Nicely done. I did have one question though. Don't you have an issue with the crates despawning, or spawning out of sync with the fusion coils?
ya that is an issue but the coils are on 5 sec respawn if i were to put on instant respawn they would all constantly explode so its not too much of a problem, and wow i thought i was the only one who thought of this oh well xD i never seen your tutorial i made this up my self lol
Yeah I loath the crate despawning for this reason. My sollution was to cover the coils in a shield, then have a landmine on each side acting as a detonator. I couldn't use crates because of the despawning. But tbh your detonator is better by far. And if it makes you feel better your bridge looks far better than mine. The dice on each side is genius. But yeah I was pretty pissed when I realised I gotten beaten to it as well. xD
lol i was going to put a detonator on each side of the bridge but the corner piece i used was to thick so i just used a bomb linked explosive instead