Einstein obviously used Firefox. On a more serious note, is that what news companies are writing articles about now?
I notice no difference in speed, for my life does not revolve around uploading 100GB and downloading 1TB per day. Facebook still loads before I have set my glass of water back down. I notice no difference in protection, I am smart enough to not click the link to get a free* iPhone. Nor do I have an inclination to shoot the ducky, not to mention there are some nice security add-ons like AVG's for IE if I ever am lonely enough to claim my free* iPad. All three major browsers have an address bar, a back/forward button, a google toolbar add-on, favorites, and can display pages. Do you really need more? I have noticed some pages that only work in IE. However Angry Birds is in Chrome so I will keep it installed. [title= (Be warned: I am a Christian, Conservative, PC and IE using person; bullshit does not sway me)]Haters gonna hate, until you can convince me to switch.[/title]
Hmm. Haven't noticed. This is what the majority of IE criticism looks like, apparently the most rational argument IE critics can make. Seriously, somebody tell me why this browser is inferior and how it affects me. I can: Check my email, check facebook, check forgehub, read my favorite webcomics, and stumbleupon works like a charm. What else do I need that is so dire?
You can: Scroll slowly, wait ten minutes for a page to load, deal with many ads. The benefits of Internet Explorer.