Gotta Get Them Points.....

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by elitebiker18, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    I'm posting this thread for people to tell about some hard or annoying achievements that you had to go through. Or tell about some that your not even gonna attempt.

    I'll start with some....

    1.Call of Duty Black Ops - Time Travel Will Tell
    [​IMG]Time Travel Will Tell 75 [​IMG]In Shangri-La, acquire the focusing stone.

    Seriously.... I just viewed the steps and its crazy..
    Heres the video if you haven't seen it:
    ‪Call of Duty: Black Ops - Time Travel Will Tell Achievement Guide‬‏ - YouTube

    2.Call of Duty Black Ops - Ensemble Cast
    [​IMG]Ensemble Cast45 [​IMG]In Call of the Dead, send the crew to Paradise in co-op.

    Basically like the other one... it involves too many steps.
    Heres the video:
    ‪Call of Duty Black Ops: Call of the Dead - Ensemble Cast Achievement Guide‬‏ - YouTube

    3.Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - World Champion
    [​IMG]World Champion (Multiplayer)40 [​IMG]Climb to the top of the universal leaderboard

    How the hell do you do this without modding????????????????

    4.Guitar Hero 3 - Big 'Ol Pile of Wins
    [​IMG]Big 'Ol Pile of Wins20 [​IMG]Win 500 Online Ranked matches

    Not that hard but very time consuming.

    5.Guitar Hero 2 - Kick The Bucket
    [​IMG]Kick the Bucket Award30 [​IMG]Beat Jordan on Expert

    Hardest song in the game..
    Heres a video for proof:
    ‪Guitar Hero II - Jordan - 100% Expert Re-FC - w/Hands‬‏ - YouTube

    I actually just got done doing this achievement before I posted this and let me tell you, HARD AS HELL!!!! I dont know how I did it but I was actually a milli-second from failing and the hard part was over...... I was extremely relieved....

    So basically just tell about some hard achievements and what you had to go through if you have done them.
  2. Noteworthy Achievements

    Dragon Age 2

    Supplier - 25 G

    Found every variety of crafting resource.

    Basically, this is hard because, it is very easy to miss a craftable resource during the main course of the game. Or I'm just too lazy to look up a video. ​

    Archeologist - 50 G

    During each year in Kirkwall, discover 3 secret messages from the Band of Three.

    This one is kind of difficult also. Like Supplier, but the game takes place over the course of 10 years, so that is 30 secret messages in total, and some are very difficult to find. I was also lazy to look up a video.​

    These are the only achievements stopping me from reaching 1250/1250.​

    Ninja Gaiden 2

    Way of the Master Ninja - 100 G

    Complete the game on Path of the Master Ninja.

    Luckily, I managed to beat it, but I gotta say, this was very difficult. Emphasis on very.​

    Other than that, I agree on the Black Ops Zombie Puzzle Achievements. Those take too long to complete and you have to be lucky.​

    Haha, this took me forever to get. But the Seriously Achievement took me not too long.

    I got lucky on this. I was playing on Snowbound, and I was about to Laser a ghost, but some guy with Active Camo tried to sneak up on me, so I managed to laser him and the ghost at the same time.
    #2 Insane_Crysis, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2011
  3. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    Sounds like ones I wouldn't bother with too.

    I just thought of another.

    -Gears of War - THIS! IS! ANNEX!
    [​IMG]THIS! IS! ANNEX!40 [​IMG]Complete 100 multiplayer matches of 3+ rounds in Annex and capture 3 objectives in each match

    Annex is one of the longest game-modes in gears of war and, although this can be boosted, this achievement would take forever.... along with the one that says kill 10,000 enemies total in versus ranked matches... haha YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!
  4. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    I'm not even going to try to get "Two for one" in Halo 3.
  5. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ninja Gaiden 2 is full of utterly ridiculous achievements. Like only using one weapon throughout the whole game for each weapon?! And those are only for 5 points. There's like 8 weapons. 9 playthroughs is not worth forty points.
  6. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    I have 1000 gamerscore in Ninja Gaiden 2.

    However, I would say Infinite Undiscovery was even harder in its own way. Many of the non-essential story achievements were hard enough, but one achievement required you to have every item in the game pass through your inventory at least once. This included useless quest items and obscure materials for the game's crafting system. You basically had to complete every quest, hunt every material, and craft every rare item that couldn't be purchased.
    There was even an achievement for beating the overpowered final boss of the massive post-game dungeon on the hardest difficulty setting, Infinite, which took two playthroughs to unlock. The achievement was worth 1 gamerscore.
    The developers at Tri-Ace are dicks.
  7. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    Holy ****!!!! Wont be playing that game, lol
  8. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That my friend is something to be proud of. Kudos to your patience.
  9. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The completionist achievement in DW6. A game where every achievement is secret.

    #9 Berb, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2011
  10. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Press START to Play - The Simpsons Game - 5G

    Hardest. Achievement. Ever.
  11. Haha. Nice. I just managed to get 1000/1000 a little while ago. The last achievements I needed was to beat the game using only the Lunar Staff and I think the Vigorian Flails.

    I love Dynasty Warriors, but sadly I only have it for PS3. Have you ever tried Samurai Warriors? That game is similar and I love it.
  12. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Fable III - We Need Guns, Lots of Guns (20 GODDAMN GAMERSCORE)

    Collecting all 51 Legendary weapons. To make clear the pain-in-the-ass that this is, there are weapons that don't show up every time you play. In fact, only 26 of them do, five of which (Bonesmasher, Aurora's Shield, etc) show up EVERY TIME, taking that number down to 21... and if that weren't enough, those five default Legendary weapons can show up TWICE, taking your number per play through down to 16. It takes about three hours to get to the point where you get your first few legendary weapons, and about half an hour to swap weapons between characters. Oh, and you need to have them all at the same time to get the achievement, touching them then trading doesn't cut it.

    And if that weren't enough? The fifty-first weapon, which cannot be gained until you possess all 50 others, is behind a door that takes all four gold keys (they require massive, HIDDEN, puzzles to obtain... and on top of that, the puzzle doesn't tell you when you solved it) and FIFTY hidden silver keys (even with a guide it took me about 7 hours to collect them.)

    The guide I was using called this the "1000 hour achievement," and said that he spent weeks playing day and night just to get it, and eventually had a friend get online and give him help because it was so idiotically difficult.
  13. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have all the achievements in Fable 3 but 3

    1. The weapon one
    2. The clothes one (i need the chef hat)
    3. Befriend 20 villagers
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    If you ever get the chef hat, you totally need to tell me.

    In fact, if you ever get the last weapon you need to tell me. Or even just 40 of them, because right now I have 46 spread between my characters. If I had the other four out of the fifty, I might be bothered to get the damned keys...
  15. Security

    Security Ancient
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    The achievement in Reach to beat the campaign on Legendary by yourself, I can't even get past the first part of Oni: Sword Base. Also the "You ate all the chips" achievement.
  16. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    Left 4 dead 2:

    The real deal. Complete a campaign on realism mode expert difficulty.

    Took 6 hours in the final attempt and thats after many failed attempts. The thing is, after I did it once, it was easy. I've gotten it for 5 friends in around 2 hours each time since :D
  17. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Dead Rising. Survive for 14 hours straight (in real life time). You'd think you could just stand still and wait, but you can't. Your health is draining constantly and there are more zombies than usual. By far the most difficult achievement to do. I myself haven't even gotten close to accomplishing it.

    #17 Spawn of Saltine, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2011
  18. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    I second the you ate all the chips achievment. But seriously reach campaign? Its actually easier than past halos IMO but if you think sword base is hard wait 'till you try pillar of autumn. Tying yourself to a cinder block and jumping into the sea is fun by comparrison. Just thinking about that mission gives me nightmares...Mac cannon... *shudder*
  19. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    You ate all the chips:

    Swat Stockpile on countdown.

  20. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't quite remember how I got it, but it was really easy... Especially if you go into a game with a full team of people you know/can talk with.

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