I need a bit o' help. I made an Infection map with a bunch of long sightlines, so I figured the Zombies deserved a slight buff. However, upon playtesting it, the humans always get wiped out within a minute. My question is, how can I balance it so both sides have a chance and still make it fun? P.S. : No you cannot drive the vehicles. However, you can still flip them, I don't know how to disable that. Gameplay Video demonstrating what I mean: Unfinished Infection Project: Gameplay Preview‏ - YouTube Help / Suggestions appreciated.
Make it like most infection maps here on FH; Humans are 3-5 hits, no recharge, zombies can take more than one shotgun hit from point blank range. Experiment a bit, don't be afraid to mix and match. Also, if you want testers, i'm up for it, just send me a message. GT:Rsvi Etzudee
Well I guess you could make the zombies move slower, after all they have sprint and there's plenty of cover. BTW why were there so many zombies? Was it partway through a game? Nice map BTW
I'll try it out. While I can't see zombies surviving shotgun hits at point-blank on this map being a good thing, maybe I'll tweak the settings a bit. Because the humans lost every single time. Most of the time the rounds only took a minute or two.