Dearest Forgehub, I present to you a sneakpeak of my new map "Pursuance", but I need your help! Yus, that's how it is. I have been forging all week long and now I have come to the point where I think it is almost completed. I just need opinions on how it plays, how it looks, the weapon set and etc, so, would you kindly read on? (Bioshock reference, **** Yeah!). Aight', first of all. Have you any better ideas for a name on the map than "Pursuance", which is like my Placeholder for it? Please think of that while reading this thread. So, let's present the map! "Pursuance" is a almost symmetrical map, featuring 3 main bases. One for each team, and one center who really controls the map. Both bases are the same, and they have the same Weapons and distance's to objects, so no imbalance here! I have made this because I want a map that easily can play CTF and other team games. Although, for the moment the only gametype I've put in is Slayer, where I strongly recommend Slayer Pro. The map is pretty open, meaning the DMR is great and the Sniper Rifle is a true Power-weapon (as always!). The Sniper spawns up on the Center that player's may acces from 3 diffrent angles. One mancannon at each base and a Gravity Lift at the Center's Bottom floor. Other Power-Weapons on the map are the following: *Shotgun *2 Grenade Launcher *Spartan Laser *Drop Shield *Overshield They (and the Sniper) all spawn after 60 seconds (except the Spartan Laser who spawns every 90 seconds). The Shotgun spawns in the Center Building with ONE Spare Clip, whilst the Grenade Launcher spawns close to both team bases carries 2 Spare Clips. At first the GL had 75 second spawn and 1 Spare clip, better now or should I change back? Really, there isn't so much more to say. Keep in mind this is a v1.1, so I'll work alot more on polishing spawns and such. Please DL and try the map out. Give me Feedback, good or bad, I really want to hear it. I have never tried out a outdoor map before, and this is also my only second map I will publish - So give that Feedback! *Finally, all my Screenshots suddenly disapperead besides 3! So, there isn't the best but they'll do. Red Base, Blue are looking the same, except it's Blue (color don't show on my pics, no idea why?). Uploaded with Spartan Laser Spawn, walkway. Besides it, you see the Overshield. Uploaded with The Red Grenade Launcher rest on the stone. You'll see the Center here, although no good picture. We'll be better when map's finished. Uploaded with Please, feedback! Have fun, Forge mates!
Overshield next to lazor is bad. Once you get one you get the other faaar too quickly. I say take it out (not that) and your map looks a little empty, doesent it? What's there to break line of sight?
The empty part is my point exactly, unfortunately. I was sitting around thinking, how to make it more "filled", without being a lot of parts together. That was exactly what I was afraid of. Have to think of a solution. Too bad that make's me out of the 5,000 Budget contest, since I am at the limit now. SLaser > Overshield, guess I take it away then. Probably better that way.
I like the aesthetics quite a bit, though it seems lean on blocks (which is good for frame rate issues). I like the long boardwalk along the middle. That uniform walk way adds a lot to the aesthetics. The only thing I would say I would try to change on the aesthetics is try to reduce the boxiness of the structures, but that is a minor issue. The spawn points are fine as far as I am concerned. For CTF or bomb, you will want to simply place two respawn zones over each half of the map and maybe a little overlap in the middle. I tend to agree that you don't want to have a power weapon right next to another power weapon or an overshield, but given a map of this size, though it may be near it, perhaps you can add an upper walk way to one of them? It's a nice map.
MrGreenWithAGun: Well, thank you and it's sweet that you enjoyed it. I can take a look on the Upper Level thingy, although I don't know where to put it. Also, you don't think there's problem with Line of Sight? Edit: *The reason for it being empty and maybe blocky, is the 5,000 budget challenge. When I was almost finished with the map, I tried to stay at 5K so I could submit it to the contest.