*Note, that map is still being built, spawns need to be placed, weapons need to be thrown on here, and tests will be made. I came up with the name because of its inspiration of Greek Architecture, and after researching pictures of their Architecture, and inspiration from Refined, and a few Halo 2 maps, this bad baby was born. Big Team Battle capable, more info to come soon. I wanted some spots to feel like its still being contructed^ Center Main Buiding^ Another view of the center structures^ Over View, Playing Area^ Who wants more pictures?
Nice job man, I'll be glad to help you with spawn and weapon placement if you need it. I loved getting the sneak preview, it just looks so much better in person rather than screenshots.
You like to use ramps as walls instead of regular blocks dont you? No shame in that. This map looks great i defanatley want to test this you know where to find me.
Thanks dude. But yeah, I find Ramps more interesting as walls. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I know, im not good with positioning cameras for the pictures :/ sadly
What cameras? Are you using the dolly cameras to do a shot? You can just go into theater and roam around the map in camera mode to take a much better looking screen.
This looks really awesome, and at the same time makes me sad because of that. I am having a serious idea block right now and I am both in awe of this and frustrated seeing something with such a cool layout. Ok, away from the negative, this looks like it has some great paths, sort of reminds me of a relic/terminal cross.
Sorry about that! Why not use that Idea? This is everyones game. Have some inspiration from this. Anyways, thanks!
Well shoe, as am I in the writers block of forging. All I can do is make barely decent symmetrical maps and only because I'm straight outta ideas. We should forge together a bit and see what comes up.