Premise Created by AceOfSpades Recommended Gametypes: Throwdown Recommended Players: 4 Your moments of patient waiting have come to an end; Premise is here. For those of you who didn't know, Premise was the winner of the Forge Hub Throwdown Forge competition that was announced back in January 2011. Premise was chosen due to it's simplistic layout that forces co-operative team work in an open air environment. It almost feels like another version of Midship has entered the Halo saga; except this one isn't all about dramatic height variance and controlling the map with the rest of your team, and it definitely isn't about being overwhelmed by Bungie's feminine side with all the pinks and purples... this one is about you, your partner and the 10 minutes you have to win... Failure is not accepted here; If you lose, you go down... and by down we mean into the Loser's Bracket of course. This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the moment you've been waiting for. This is the first announced map of the Throwdown tournament and the first official article that means Throwdown is beginning. Failure to prepare, means you will fail to succeed. Download Premise now and get the edge over your opponents... Premise - 2v2 Throwdown: Round 1‏ - YouTube Oh and now you've noticed the Forge Hub Throwdown YouTube Channel, why don't you subscribe to get these map previews a few hours early? Have fun and good luck guys! Download Premise You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
Good for you, Stevo you got first on your own post. Anyway, im pretty sure that as long as we arent playing against Halo gods, Panic and I got this one in the bag. Weve practiced to the point of wearing this map out. Now my partner dreads the words "throwdown practice".
Shocking. Didn't know this was getting featured. Honestly a little sad though, that this is Ace's first feature. Should be his 5th.
Wow thats a pretty awesome video! I wish I could edit like that... Pumped for the competition, looking forward starting it off on Premise. It seems like a very awesome map.
This map is pretty much perfect for the first round. It's easy to learn, looks awesome and produces some very tight/tense gameplay!
Definitely pairing you against Shad0w & choch. If you want reference, at my best when I could beat peggy in a 1v1 11-4 without sweating too much, Shad0w could trash me 25-1, and in turn would be trashed similarly by chock. In other words, you would be buttfucked.
You still reference that 1v1 as if it wasn't on your bullet-eating-extrodinaire host, facepalm. That said, you were not at your best then, iirc that was a few months after you dropped from your very peak, at which point you were MUCH better than when we started playing more regularly. But yeah, I could barely kill Shad0w in H3, one 1v1 I actually lost 20 to -2, it wasn't even funny by the end. I'm better in Reach, but still doubt I could touch Shad0w 1v1.
Wow, it's like an echo IN MY HEAD. If I had my xbox still, I'd be paired with Xanon still. Would be an awesome match to be sure. Shad0w's a push over in 1v1's in reach. You gotta be more adaptable than he is. He likes his game play slower and meticulous. If you can desensitize to his suroundings, you've pretty much got it in the bag, so long as your aim is good. I did manage to beat shad0w a couple of times at H3, but he was certainly my better then. Oh yea, as for the map. It's pretty awesome, got some playing time on this way back when. Totally predicted this one.
Rusty, the problem is that he likes to play exactly like I do. And he is much better at it than me, so I either have to get both of us uncomfortable and rely on my game intelligence verse his; slightly in his favor, or rely on my DMR vs his; entirely in his favor. And I suck balls at 1v1 anyway, so there!
Now don't forget, I beat Career multiple times in a 1v1 on his own map. Rho and I have practiced here pretty extensively on this too, so be prepared for a challenge.
GASP. MULTI. I knew from the start I couldn't trust you, but Ace? That's low. Oh. Great map Ace. Congrats. Really. Sincerely.
Ill second that. But yeah, as simple as this map is, its still awesome. I have only one dislike; that he used all of those 2x2s. I wish he would have swapped them out with the 2x4s. At least in most spots, it would have worked and looked better, (in my opinion). I just dislike most glass pieces and it would have saved budget as well. But it doesnt make it look horrible though so good job Ace. You are one of my favorite forgers in the community, well, the whole world actually, lol.
I played on this with Steve, Kuroda and Steve's teammate today. I want a re-match when I get a ****ing mic, Steve. Poor Kuroda had to put up with a 'mute' teammate, so I'd like to see what we could do when we can communicate. I don't know much about the whole host thing, but I'm pretty sure me and Kuroda got ****ed over. If that's the way the competition is going to be, I'm glad I didn't sign up. Complaints and excuses aside, the map was great. Congrats on the feature, Ace. This one's a keeper.