Yey! I want luke to be the mother of my babies! But on a lighter note this wave otta be pretty small.
Wow, do you guys not like the attention? I was sent here by Bungie and I contribute to this site a lot. Although I'm sure you get your fair share of ignorant people on this site and people who's grammar and spelling are atrocious, but you could still earn a few good ones. Personally, I'm glad I came to this site and joined. I made some friends and learned how to make better maps than I was making. Actually I have Bungie to thank for bringing me here and this site to thank for the help along the forging way.
The bad users outweigh the good users. Being a good user on B.Net is like being a single grain of intelligence in the throes of the crashing waves of idiocy.
It's been like statistically proven anyway, we have over thousands of members who register, and still have yet to post.
Um it would be so cool if bungie and FH link up and Bungie lets FH control the oncoming forge items so we pick what items the community wants and bring them to the game.We also make decisions about what forge could do potentially in matchmaking.Aslo a great outcome of this would be us not having to link the page to our map we could just download it off right from here.
lol was that like, a direct reference to me? I know I have (purposely, most of the time) bad grammar, but I'm not a bad member. Like the indirect shoutout though lol...
Wow, that is so true. Although it makes me feel better because I am part of that grain, it does suck when the smartest conversation I've seen on B.Net lately is: "How do I use equipment?" "After you run over it, press the X button. It will deploy the equipment." "Ok, thanks, but I meant useful ways to use it." This remark was followed by major flaming, spamming, and finally a ninja said: "Stop flaming him. He actually asked a good question and you're all not intelligent enough to actually answer with a good suggestion." Then he edited the post and included: "I really wish we had more intelligent people around here." I laughed.
He iz teh spie, egtz him!1! I think he means that he got here via a link in one of the updates.
I would love Forgehub to have a longer period of time controlling the Bungie Favourites instead of 2 weeks , i think 2 months would be sufficient judging by the amount of great maps everyone makes round these here parts
If bungie and FH had a baby it would be called Bunjhub. It would ride a tractor,crap out forging items,have a mohawk,a lightsaber and would be l337.
Actually, I originated from Bungie, but after they made Halo 3 the forums went to hell and I finally gave up on the amounts of stupidity and came here. This forum is much more civilized, though it has its times. I guess when you get the most ignorant people from Bungie to come here, it gets annoying, and Recon threads, or "this map sucks" threads appear often. Also the amount of grammar and spelling people don't use gets annoying also. It pisses me off when someone asks a question that looks like this: "I r hasin probs with mai x-buxCun ne1 hulp mi fex it? cun i haz rekon to? thnx guys"