Sniper Practice

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Annoyingiguana, May 15, 2008.

  1. Annoyingiguana

    Annoyingiguana Ancient
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    This map is infuriatingly simple, but bear with me, this is my third or forth attempt at making a map in forge.

    Getting a little bit rusty with your sniper skills or do you just need to warm up a bit before you hit matchmaking?
    Well try this map I created, called "Sniper Practice" This map is very simple and has two small stations that you can practice different techniques on. When you spawn there will be a teleporter near you that will take you to station 2, but lets first take a look at station 1.
    Station 1. Here is where you spawn, After thirty seconds a grav lift will spawn at the top of the ramp immeadietly to your right. It will send a fusion coil down the ramp and off a man-cannon. The fusion coil will fly half way across the map, giving you a good chance to snipe at it, whether no scope or scoped, as it is flying at an angle to the ground, it will be harder to hit. Please though, do not shoot your friends at station 2 while trying to hit the fusion coil.


    Station #2
    Station 2. This is even more simple. It fires when you want it to. It station is more fun honestly, becasue people can take shots from all over the map. You pick up a grenade (all 4 kinds of grenades spawn up on station 2) and throw it up into the air. Do your best to shoot the grenade before it comes down. All of the kinds of grendes will explode if shot while in the air. The plasma grenades explode in a brilliant blue ball of energy, so if you can get your hands on them first, let loose and have fun.

    Enjoy and hope this map helps warm you up,
    For the best gameplay, download sniper training.

    map can be downloaded here: Sniper Practice
    Have fun!
    #1 Annoyingiguana, May 15, 2008
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    This concept has been done before, but most are too complicated and are frustrating, this looks very basic and as if it could be useful. Also something to help sniping - hurl a nade into the air (any kind of nade, firebombs are the easiet to hit) and snipe it, scoped or no scoped. But that only works for maps with no roof.
  3. boydcr2

    boydcr2 Ancient
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    awesome idea! glad you threw in the no roof part know someone is still going to drop a nade on thier head...oh yea! the map...looks like fun you have my will give me a break from forgin...thatnks for your efforts
  4. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    very basic, right, but possibly better practise??? looks to me so
  5. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
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    looks like station 1 would take forever to shoot, 30 seconds. but station 2 is unique, I didn't even know that
  6. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    okay made a map which was based on another thing but you did it better than me :(
  7. FordCalvin

    FordCalvin Ancient

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    Sniper Rifles Rule. This is the best Sniper practice I have seen in a long time. Standoff is a great place to make sucj a map too!
  8. Annoyingiguana

    Annoyingiguana Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks everyone. This was an early first attempt, I'll update and add in some new stations. And linubidix, thats what the station 2 was. You hurl and snipe the grenades.

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