Dust Trap (formerly Abridged) This map is titled "Dust Trap" (Formerly Abridged) This is a map geared toward the classic maps of Halo 2 and 3. It is both fast paced and labyrinthine, while maintaining the simplicity that makes Halo maps 'work.' The map is an asymmetric, bi-level, fast-paced map; reminiscent of a miniaturized 'Sandtrap' of Halo 3. The construction is organically entwined with the cavern of Fore World, giving the cold qualities of Forge parts a more natural and fluid feel, the feel that keeps Reach games moving. There is sufficient cover, but not enough to impede the pace and authenticity of the action.The walkways entwine and twist, supported by columns that eliminate the 'floaty' artificial feel of bygone maps and create much needed cover from enemy fire. The rocket launcher sits atop a 3 room construction half-exhumed from its earthen foundation; this room becomes an arrowhead of action, as all the bridges seem to lead both toward and away from it. This map is action-packed and free-flowing, natural yet artfully constructed. Simple, elegant, yet maze-like and adrenaline filled. Try it out!
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Just wanna point out that there's already a somewhat popular map in BTB with the name Abridged. Lol someone beat you to it, but anyways, the cave is a pretty good spot for a small map, from what I can see in the screenshots alone, you use the space quite well, if it's not too cluttered. There also appears to be some outside space and structure which can also be implemented well in this type of map, but otherwise I'll have to dl it and check it out further.
This map looks okay. I always like when people use the natural surroundings for their maps.The thing that really bothers me here are all the prefab buildings. They look somewhat boring in my opinion. You should try to build your own structures to make your map a little more unique!
Well I took a look around and felt like the map could use improvement, the name change was first and foremost (excellent choice I might add, I didn't really feel like there were any bridges.) The map didn't really extend into the open as far as it looks in the screens, the majority of pieces being used for indoors CQC, as they should in a cave map. The top of the structures across the top of the cave feels really flat, with nothing to break up the sightline, which I feel is necessary considering the snipers and DMRs across from each other at each base. There's not alot stopping bullets between you and the opposite team, nor anyone jumping over to the rockets. I feel the snipers might be unnecessary in a map this size anyways, it's clearly designed more for close ranged combat, and the upper level really isn't much of an upper level. Ground floor is OK though. I'd suggest just keeping the map focused on that, maybe shotgun spawns at each base and rocks in the center. Overall, I just don't feel like the upper level works. The map may need a bit of revision keeping the close ranged fighting in mind. Maybe more structure on the second level? Or maybe no second level at all? If you can make it work, go for it, I'd like to see it with 400% more awesome!
Thanks a lot for the thorough review. I'll look into revising it this week, perhaps by creating more cover on the 2nd floor.
This map looks pretty sic ....i tried to make a map in that location but it didn't turn out the best .......but looks like you did a great job!