Ah, it's out. One quick question; would you say this would be a good map for Slayer pro? If so, i'm looking foward to great times.
this area is hard to work with but it appears you have achieved the impossible. I really like your creativity throughout the map. i dont have XBL at the moment but i will hit you back with gameplay thoughts soon
Thanks guys! As long as its slayer and Team, it will work out good, soon Ill have more playable gametypes for you guys to lurk around on this map. Thanks! Ive had a many of people tell me it fits very well on this map! And that means im doing something right!
Tom, you were there when we had 8 people to test it, but Trey, I think you need to start making more multiplayer maps. :3
Refined - another word for raising the bar on forging the forerunner. Some of us forged through this map before you finished it and were impressed. Definitely a DL and a keeper.
I'm gonna drop my feedback here as well, so this map gets more attention; a lot of the fighting took place just infront of the Blue Spawn, and it eventually got stale, to fix this I would suggest adding more vertical combat, or spread out the Blue Spawns a little more, so they aren't so concentrated.
I have yet to fix this map, but it's actually worth doing though, I'll get a friend to help me fix the spawns.