Okay mxdd13, your sig is finished. Hope you like it, anything you want changed please ask. One thing I'm not sure about with this sig is the fonts. I couldn't really find a decent font, so if you don't like the fonts on these go to http://www.dafont.com/ to find a different one, I have kinda grown to like them while I was making it. The font you chose - [noparse][/noparse] The font I chose - [noparse][/noparse]
Did you read mine, I posted a request a few days ago, checked a couple hours after posting and there was like 4 more pages! Anyway, I'd like to see what you could make for me, Blue Rogue Head, is all I really care about, and that it has my name in it, Linubidix (Doesnt have to CAPS). Wont neccessarily use it but I'd like to see what you could do for me, if you cbf I understand but could you just acknowledge this.
You are on the list =] About half way down, so I must have read it. EDIT: This thread is kinda large, so acknowledging everyone with a post isn't always easy, or smart xD
Yep =] If I wanna make sure I get everyone who asks for a sig and update the front page I need to xD I might not have posted back saying okay I'll do it, but I saw it and modified the first post, BECAUSE of how much I watch this topic lol... I have to =\ Well I like to lol
and if he misses something i come here from time to time, just to look around, check out all the completed sigs and all that...
You ever thought of doing this stuff (not sig making but graphic design) professionally. I have, I wanna be in graphic design when I grow up. I'm pretty sure Uni SA does a course. I'm getting off topic, you should have a look at doing this professionally, some of the promotional posters you see around look like crap when put up against your stuff.
Yeah, though I have no idea how I would get into something like that. I guess I would have to some kinda course at TAFE Though I need monies for that, and monies is something I don't have at the moment. Perhaps I will look into it when I find myself a casual job of some kind...
Okay, I'm 16 in 16 days. Im in year 11, so I still some time ahead till I can start thinking about a full time career
Rey, did you just have a birthday? I sware you said you were 18 a couple days ago? Happy Birthday! otherwise... iFail
Glad you like it, hope you has fun with it =D You have no idea how much of a ***** that background was to make xD
One with (Incineration) medal, and one without. I edited my first post and put that. I thought it was (Inferno) medal.
Sig colours - Name on Sig - Doughens12 Slogan - Lights out Main colour - icy blue Secondary colours - none - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head - Recon LS - Recon RS - Recon Body - Recon Primary Colour - White Secondary Colour - Light Blue Detail Colour - White Emblem Image - dont add an emblem - Holding Weapons - Primary Weapon - Sentinal Beam Secondary Weapon - Gravity Hammer - Font Used - Font - use the font that you used for Shadow Viper's sig, but if you can't remember use http://www.dafont.com/ice-caps.font - Signature size - Size - Default Style - description - Avatar - Avatar - Yes - Extras - put my spartan in the middle of the signature and an exact replica of that spartan fading in the left part of the signature. put frostbite around the edges of the signature. Add a dead grunt speared into the top right corner with blood dripping out of him. Put the hijacker medal on my spartans chest (if possible). If you have any questions, please message my forgehub profile of B.net profile.