Tips for my forge map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by michaeltheforce, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. michaeltheforce

    michaeltheforce Forerunner

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    I have a map that is not close to being completed. So what I'm wondering is if my map should be symmetric and what else I should add to the side i am working on right now, I know it is less than half way completed, but if I make it the same on both sides then I will know what to add to the other side(but will still need suggestions), but if I don't then I'll need some suggestions for the other side. Here is the link to the map: : Halo Reach : File Details

    Play as the red team so you will spawn by it.
  2. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    If you are new to forging then I highly recommend making your map symmetrical. It makes the game play much easier to balance. Be sure to use your coordinates system to make the bases identical (eyeballing it just won't work out and they will be different).

    I hope this helps and I look forward to see what you come up with.
  3. michaeltheforce

    michaeltheforce Forerunner

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    Thank you for the tips.
  4. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    What you should know is essentialy 6 parts to forging: Planning, Building, Aesthetics, Technical boring crap, Testing and Final adjustments:

    Planning: Doesn't have to be too complicated just a basic idea of what your making. What gametypes should it support? Will it be symmetrical or assymetrical? Will it include vehicles? And obviously, where will you make it?

    Building: This is where your map starts to come together, remember to look at all the different types of structures you can use, it's easy to forget about bridges when you're just using building blocks. Also whenerver possible make use of rotation snaps and coordinates (it can get buggy, if that happens press the "reset orientations" button). Also save often and to avoid falling victim to the dreaded save glitch, save multiple copies and when you're done forging exit forge BEFORE you turn off the xbox. Be creative and invite a friend every now and then for their opinion. It may get frustrating if something doesn't go to plan, but stick with it. Remember to try and add high up sniper points as well as areas where close quarter weapons would be more usefull. And every camper spot should have at least two entrances.

    Aesthetics: Here you start making your map look pretty. The detail objects section is your friend. Put railings on the edges of any platforms without them, add decoration to areas people cannot reach, change the object colours of structures and add lights to change the ambience. Maybe even play arround with the effects?

    Technical boring crap: Spawn points and initial spawns must be placed for every team you want in the map. Objective markers must be placed, for every gametype. Soft killzones placed in glitch spots, hard killzones if you want the player to fall to their death". Told you it was boring, and unfortunatly their is no way around that. Quick tip, if you assaign every respawn point to neutral, then use respawn zones to determine which teams can use which spawn points, it's a massive time-saver compared to assigning teams to every point. Weapon and vehicle placement also falls into this catogary, think about this carefully, everything to what weapons you spawn where , how many power weapons their are, weapon respawn times and even spare clips can adjust the gameplay balance massivly.

    Testing: The best part! Get a group of people together play your map, get their feedback, play another gamemode on your map, get their feedback, play with different party sizes, get feedback. Basically play the crap out of your map. Try and get a feel for the weapons on the map and if they dominate too much, if every body gets spawnkilled, add more spawns, if people are ignoring a key area, make the enterance more noticable. Put pictures of your map on forgehub and get opinions from the pros.

    Final adjustments: Using the feedback you gathered make final adjustments to your map.

    Repeat steps 5 and 6 untill their are no improvements to be made (or you run out of budget). Your map is now awsome. Well done. To celebrate, put your map in your file share, put it on forge hub, play it, then eat a cookie.

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